I am the Change that a Confederate America doesn’t want you to know about. POWER!
If we were to only observe the external stature of Harriet Tubman, one would probably be less inclined to include her when contemplating a strategic plan that required physical participation in order to bring a Deep System of Slavery to an end in the South. History has recorded several roadblocks and obstacles along the path of Mrs. Tubman which would have ended most others’ dreams of freedom; yet it was her average appearance, extreme ambition, extensive knowledge, and the prewarned visions from GOD that offset the majority of the problems she faced. The greatest story never told, is that Mrs. Tubman was also uneducated and considered greatly inferior to those who sought her capture. Despite the many challenges, Harriet Tubman may be the most triumphant woman in American History due to her lifetime of Monumental Achievements, in which (I’m almost positive) we are only aware of a small fraction.
I offered to you the heroics of Mrs. Harriet Tubman to remind Black America of a couple of major points that are critical to the advancement of Black People in America. Harriet Tubman wasn’t recommended, endorsed, or sent to abolish a system of hate by those who were profiting from the free labor of the people they enslaved. There were African Americans present in government after 1870, yet none of those people effectively spoke up to the point where their actions matched the courageous efforts of Mrs. Tubman. My point being, if African Americans had awaited change to come from those who were certified or authorized by the very people who were responsible for the oppression and enslavement of them; then it’s a great possibility that we would still be waiting for freedom. We must begin to think much deeper and examine the truth. Our Government has never properly addressed the concerns of its Black Citizens and therefore many missions of change are now needed. My mission of change first began 15 months ago as a result of Police Brutality at the hands of The GREENVILLE, SC City Police Department and my achievements are what Institutions, Corporations, and State Government Officials would like you to ignore. I’m certainly not here to toot my own horn but at the same time, my Ancestor’s accomplishments were stolen, hidden, and unrecognized because of the Racist History of the state of South Carolina. In September of 2020, I had written a proposal on behalf of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) to name an Unnamed Pedestrian Bridge after Nancy Washington Legree, a former enslaved African American woman, whose history of slavery had been sold and told for decades by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY. Less than one month later after I had submitted the written proposal to the city of CLEMSON, the City COUNCIL voted and UNANIMOUSLY PASSED the LEGREE RESOLUTION in favor of naming the bridge located just above HWY 123 as you are entering the city through the CALHOUN COMMUNITY.
The bridge remains unnamed almost one year later, despite the unanimous vote of an entire competent City Government and there have been no genuine actions of progress during this period to honor any African Americans by Clemson University or the city Of Clemson.
The Video below with FOXCAROLINAS Amber Worthy on the Bridge!
In November of 2020, following several written requests to the CLEMSON UNIVERSITY Governing Body, recommending that they would consider granting “FREE SCHOLARSHIPS” to the Descendants of those the CLEMSON UNIVERSITY forefathers had known to have enslaved. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundations’ request were never granted, nor were they responded to by CLEMSON UNIVERSITIES ruling authority. As a result, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) attempted to raise money for Scholarships from the proceeds of the selling of the book, BLACK CALHOUN, in order to provide scholarships to the Descendants of those Clemson enslaved. During the Interview below, you will observe me offering solutions almost one year ago to CLEMSON UNIVERSITY.
Below is my Interview with FOXCAROLINAS Amber Worthy.
In December of 2020, after I had witnessed CLEMSON UNIVERSITY avoiding my requests to grant scholarships, I thought of a way to honor my grandmother NANCY WASHINGTON LEGREE, by offering Black Children something that my grandmother never had the opportunity to experience, EDUCATION. In early December, I incorporated the Nancy Washing Legree Descendants of African Heritage School OF Arts & Science, within the state of South Carolina on 12/03/2020.
In March of 2021and after some delay, I launched a vision that I believed would Motivate, Encourage, and Inspire Black Citizens through adequate education. I also felt as if LOVE was missing for our fellow brother/sister who are also victims of the same system of Oppression and Hate. It was my goal to avoid the Blueprint of the Oppressor and begin a nationwide journey to repair the hearts, minds, and spirits of a group of people who are more than capable of Continued Greatness; recognizing that many of the minds have been poisoned and made to believe false truths through religious doctrine. The lack of love, motivation, inspiration, and encouragement were enough Inspiration to create, H.O.M.E. or HOUSE OF MOTIVATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, AND EDUCATION.
Read more about the services of H.O.M.E. by visiting our Strategies/Solution tab on themochamission.org or https://themochamission.org/solutions/home-house-of-motivation-encouragement-amp-education
*Note the only barriers that are preventing this Monumental idea from being explored is the lack of a building. This mission has also been greatly affected by a deep system of hate.
In early March 2021, I wrote a recommendation to the South Carolina Board of Education on behalf of The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation, providing Critical and Innovative ideas for the advancements of the students of the state of South Carolina. Later in that same month, I received an email and a phone call from The Office of Standards & Learning, Divison of College and Career Readiness South Carolina Department of Education. I spoke with Director Dr. Ann Pressley, who had reached out to me directly. Doctor Pressley was so impressed with my innovative ideas of change, that she added me to a panel of distinguished individuals who have built an incredible lifelong resume of contributions to society. Unfortunately, I feel that a Confederate ran Government that has shown that it refuses to teach the truth, has derailed my mission that would have changed some of the ineffective methods that have been used to educate the students of the state of South Carolina.
Maybe the reason that my story isn’t purposely overlooked and not told within the state of South Carolina is that it exposes a Police Department in a state who has traditionally told its Black Citizens that their pains are Nonexistent and therefore many citizens have given up. My story is much different from any book that you have read, as it educates Black Citizens who have been told that they were inferior by a system that intends on oppressing its citizens. It was my intention to call out the many inequalities while providing effective solutions in order to end Generational Obstacles faced by Black People in America. What you have read above is only a portion of my actions, innovative ideas of change, and accomplishments only from the past year. This is while being harassed, falsely accused, and unlawfully jailed because I refused to allow a system of hate to White Wash my accomplishments. The city of Clemson had no plans to honor any African Americans on their City Council agenda whenever I wrote The Legree proposal back in September of 2020. I also learned that Clemson University had no plans to honor any of the 600 unidentified graves of the formerly enslaved as of October 25, 2020, whenever I attended The Woodland Cemetery Tour provided by the University. I asked one of the lead professors if there were any plans to honor and her response was, “they had not thought that far yet.” Trust me, I have 2 ministers who were attentive and about a dozen others within my group. Why is the Universities ego so large that they are unable to give The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation, the necessary credit for inspiring a whole team of professors and historians to commit millions of dollars to come up with a plan that they didn’t have until I decided to speak up regarding the continued research of a people in which the University has already promoted and profited from. This situation seems more like an intentional delay and I have no choice but to question the integrity of school leadership when it is clear that CLEMSON UNIVERSITY believes that it is privileged enough to be able to set an extended date for an official apology to those their forefathers enslaved. Who is allowed that type of entitlement?
You are welcome to compare my last 365 days of change to any individual, organization, or movement in America within the past year who has offered solutions, and then you will understand why, I am The Confederates Most Wanted, but I remain God’s Most Appointed to create Effective Change.