Harriet Tubman’s History in South Carolina, is more than Ready & Worthy for text
The current mission of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation ( M.O.C.H.A.) is one that is long overdue. Harriet Tubman, the larger than life conductor of the Infamous Underground, the Freedom Liberator and all of her many Honorable accolades, once lived in the state of South Carolina. This little known fact has been overlooked, ignored, and largely forgotten in regards to the true history of South Carolina.
It was in 1862, and after the start of the Civil war; that the Modern-day Moses (who was now a Free woman) left her home and relocated back to an enslaved south.
Mrs. Tubman spent a little over 2 years living in and around the Hilton Head area of South Carolina as a Union Recruit/Spy. Harriet was clearly disguised as a nurse and ultimately led the Union Army in what is known as the Combahee River Raid.
In 1863, Union Army Colonel James Montgomery asked if Harriet would lead a military mission against the Confederate Army in South Carolina. Harriet not only led the military operation, but she was solely responsible for strategically planning the brilliant mission.
This was no easy task, Harriet worked months to gain the trust of the local slaves along the Combahee river. She knew, if her mission had any chance of success that she needed the cooperation and vital information of those around her. Harriet successfully gained important information by promising slaves their freedom papers for in exchange for assisting her mission. This strategy proved to be very rewarding for Mrs. Tubman and for the Union Army as well. This very Intelligent plan was executed to perfection and Mrs. Tubman was able to secure factual information about the precise locations of Confederate Army’s torpedoes and gunboats. This very valuable information enabled the Union Army to effectively navigate the waters of the Combahee River and escape the Confederate Army’s weaponry without major disruption or death.
It was Harriet Tubman’s heroic efforts along with the US Second South Carolina Volunteers, who rescued over 700 slaves during The Combahee River Raid. Harriet Tubman remains the only woman to have led a military operation during the Civil War. This isn’t just Black history, but It is American History.
It is also the belief and the hopes of the The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation that by including this very valuable History into the textbooks and to the studies of South Carolina History; that it will introduce, inspire, and instill pride and higher self-esteem to many children who remain absent of the true stories of Triumph; in regards to African American History.
The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation has prepared a written proposal to the State Board of Education-South Carolina Department of Education to Include the very brave and heroic efforts of Harriet “Araminta” Ross Tubman into the South Carolina History textbooks for study. This history until now, has been hidden.
All kids of every color in Public Schools across South Carolina have been denied of this very true and valuable information regarding the study of Harriet Tubman and the Combahee River Raid.
We have the opportunity to correct our past, by first exploring the truth! #HelpUS
** Please assist The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation in our mission to expose Inequalities, while Offering Effective Solutions for remedy with Innovative Thought. Please ADD a Contribution to the battle for Truth, Equality, Advancement of Education, and Opportunity. **