Honor Harriet Tubman by Incorporating the town of Harriet’s River, South Carolina 🏙
In the beginning of my quest to create change in America, the primary objective for the establishment of The Men of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) was to think of Effective Solutions, in order to bring an End to Generational Obstacles faced by Black Americans.
Another major objective that was just as significant, was addressing the lack of notable Advancement of Black People in America. Both of these Colossal tasks are equally important and must coincide with one another in order for Effective and Immediate Change to transpire for Black Americans. This very important mission requires Innovative thought, along with higher expectations when thinking in terms of Advancement of a race of people that have been oppressed now for hundreds of years.
In the State of South Carolina, there are countless statues, roads, streets, landmarks, memorials, cities, and Counties named after numerous soldiers of the Confederacy. Many of these locations and markers have been Painful reminders of a very Oppressive and hurtful past for the majority of Black Americans. The honoring of confederate figures are even more immorally wrong today, than it has ever been, considering all of the truth sharing that occurs thanks to social media.
While this isn’t a Divisive Proposal by any means, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) would like to propose a recommendation to the state of South Carolina and to Colleton/Beaufort Counties, SC, to Honor Harriet Tubman in a way that no other African American in the History of The United States of America has ever been commemorated.
The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation asks that the counties of Collecton, Beaufort, the state of South Carolina, and even the Nation consider Incorporating Harriets River, South Carolina as a town to Officially pay Homage to a very deserving American Hero.
The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation believes that in establishing and adding this appropriate and very fitting name to a small portion of the counties of Collecton and Beaufort in South Carolina after Harriet Tubman is long overdue. The commitment to Incorporate a town named after Harriet Tubman for her tremendous Triumphs would also serve as genuine commitment to establishing and officially preserving very valuable history that had been hidden for over a century. The History of an extraordinary and a very courageous woman that was able to accomplish things that No one in the history of this nation can say that they were successfully able to achieve. There are multiple ways that we all can honor Harriet Tubman but there is only one true way for the state of South Carolina to appropriately honor the lost History of Harriet Tubman. No man or woman in American History has been responsible for freeing or rescuing more Americans than Mrs. Harriet Tubman is credited for during the Combahee River Raid. This was Despite an already Epic History of being the Conductor of the Infamous Underground Railroad, which had Previously freed several dozens of the enslaved. Mrs. Tubman went on to accomplish even greater things and commanded a mission that was responsible for the rescue and freedom of over 700 plus enslaved African Americans in the Comabahee River Raid in SOUTH CAROLINA. This is only a small portion of Mrs. Harriet Tubman’s Iconic story, while living in the state of South Carolina while being disguised as a Nurse. Even in the state of South Carolina, many are unaware that Harriet Tubman worked as a American (Union Army) spy for about 2 years. There is no doubt that Harriet Tubman is the undisputed Champion of Freedom, and an American Hero who proved to be selfless and sacrificed her own life and freedom each time that she went into hostile territories to rescue the enslaved.
On several occasions, history reminds us that Harriet Tubman encountered, yet strategically evaded; several Militias, Bounty Hunters, and even The Confederate Army during her many pursuits to free the enslaved. Despite being a wanted woman with a major bounty for her capture and arrest, Harriet Tubman remains one of the Most Accomplished Americans in the history of this nation.
Miraculously, Mrs. Tubman was never captured and she was very fortunate to have never lost a life during her many missions to free the enslaved. History has yet to reveal to us any other American with the flawless execution displayed by Harriet Tubman.
Arguably, the Greatest single achievement in wartime history of America was accomplished by Mrs. Harriet Tubman in the state of South Carolina during JUNE 1-2 1863. The above-mentioned facts along with the Relevant history of this overlooked event are the principal reasons that The M.O.C.H.A. The foundation seeks to honor Harriet Tubman by naming the mostly Undeveloped marshlands area that is located on U.S. 17 (or about the area of the Freedom Along The Combahee Marker) in Beaufort /Colleton Counties in South Carolina in recognition of Mrs. Tubman’s heroics at this location.
In closing, Harriet Tubman totally conquered The Combahee River and she also commanded maybe the most successful single mission in the history of America. America has celebrated, honored, and dedicated to the memories of those who have accomplished far less than what Mrs. Tubman was able to achieve during the Combahee River Raid. The MO.C.H.A. Foundation also asks that you remember that the United States Government previously made promises of granting land to formerly enslaved Black People shortly before the Emancipation. There is no doubt that Mrs. Harriet Tubman is more than deserving of the promise that was made by our government, to allot land to the formerly enslaved.
There is No Recipient more Honorable and no one in American history whose single actions of bravery have made them more deserving of a city or a town being named in their honor, than Mrs Harriet Tubman. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation asks that this Proposition also be given strong consideration according to a historic order given by Union General William T. Sherman, when he personally prepared, Special Field Order No. 15. Thank You for your solid commitment to the assistance, healing, and the Equal Advancement of Black People in South Carolina,
MO.C.H.A. Foundation.