Reversal of The Shame Game!

Many Americans today no matter the race, find it hard to believe that it actually took an entire Civil War just to break the deep rooted hate of slavery in America! One would have to be foolish to believe that all it took was a signed document that read “FREEDOM”, and Instantly the hearts and the minds of millions in White America were changed. Fortunately there were a few in White America that had a different view on slavery as opposed to the majority. However, the majority (despite Not owning slaves) felt that the enslaved were more of Property than People. Initially, it was extremely difficult for America to move forward past it’s very dark history of slavery.

I often ask myself, if slavery had of ended with The Emancipation Proclamation and had all EQUALITIES faithfully been extended to People of Color; Do you think that Black America would still have the same views, opinions, and perception of America? One of the principle reasons that explains why some in the White Community have failed to completely understand the various struggles of People of Color is because some of us in Black America actually feel like we are ok; despite living in a hell created by White Supremacy! It’s almost like we have ignored our own issues, only for some in Black America to still have the, '“We sick boss” mentality whenever they hear of a multitude of issues faced by White America (that most times dont even effect them).

No offense but if you were to examine your oppressor thoroughly; you then would discover most of the very same flaws that you currently have. You were just told that your flaws were punishable and that his same flaws were forgiven. Who was it that determined that your oppressor was greater than you? In most cases look at him and ask yourself, what makes him better or mightier than myself? You soon discover through life’s experiences that there is nothing about him that makes him more superior than you. So how does one come to the Uncontested conclusion that he is of any less value than his oppressor? You then discover that he is only empowered and given authority over your life because you believed him whenever he told you that he was superior to you. Now he is able to Effectively control you. In fact, the Chinese are only the greatest threat to the U.S economy because we don’t really know who we are. Therefore we have failed to fully understand our capabilities with all of the power that we possess. That is the reason that we must first think, in order to totally utilize our strengths to become Effective. We must then reverse the narrative and also create a network which publicly shames individuals and displays their acts of discrimination and Racial Injustices that have been have been overlooked (until this point). We must create a system similar to the oppressors which have publicly displayed, unfairly depicted, and has even convicted People of Color long before they had a chance inside of a courtroom for a fair trial. We must Villianize all offenders of Injustices, no matter if the offender is a single person, business owner, or a figure of authority. We must Reverse the game of shame on our oppressors………..

Maybe these aren’t your ideal views for resolve or Change. Maybe, it is that you have a greater plan. Maybe your idea will be one of success and resolve. Truthfully, there is no wrong answer just as long as it triggers your mind to Think to Resolve, In order for our People to Evolve! The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation appreciates every bit of your support. Your support is so very Imperative and enables The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation to continue our mission to Effectively deliver our message.


The POWER that we could be, that we don’t see!

