The Nancy Washington Legree Descendants of African Heritage School of Arts & Science

Today in America, African Americans find themselves faced with some of the very same challenges and obstacles in which some of our Ancestors so desperately struggled to overcome several centuries ago. Although limited success has been experienced, we have been ineffective in most attempts to end Generational Hardships that were result of the enslavement of Black People.

Unfortunately, black Americans have been unsuccessful (for the most part) in the multitude of efforts to prevail and timely alleviate the pains of oppression. Traditional methods intended to extinguish these hardships have failed Black Americans and have kept most people of color trapped inside a cycle of dependency seeking and awaiting the approvals, instructions, and the acceptance of those whom are the children of the very people who once believed that the enslavement of Africans was morally just. These same people that profited off of slavery have found a myriad of excuses to escape or delay the process of true Accountability. In choosing which forms of ones history in which one chooses to acknowledge, only exonerates him from his true history in which he has made a nonconscious decision to ignore.

Slavery along with all of it’s very damaging effects aren’t something that’s a new discovery for America, so why should the process of true accountability be delayed by any of the known descendants of slaveholders? The inept decision of the descendants of slaveholders to believe, by selecting a desired date in which they have decided to come forward and help an entire group of people heal (with a truth) is no more honorable than their forefathers were in choosing to continue to hold families captive well past their official dates of freedom.

It would be a mistake to overlook the fact that freedom for most Black Americans in the south, came as a result of the efforts of President Abraham Lincoln and later The Union Army in 1865. Just like others, Nancy Washington Legree and Family were still enslaved at Clemson University (formerly Clemson College) decades after the Civil War had been fought.

Truth is, my ancestors (like others) were enslaved well after the 1900’s on this same land; as Slaveholders refused to allow freedom to certain families. The Greatness of Clemson University and all of it’s many accomplishments are admired throughout the world, yet the truth about the origins of the true history of the school have been purposely ignored and forgotten. The Enslaved Africans made Clemson and their stories were left out along with their many adversities, tragedies, sacrifices, and also the abundance of triumph displayed by courageous African Americans in regards to the true history of Clemson University. Therefore vital information and important persons which were purposely uncelebrated, undocumented, and unacknowledged by the slaveholders, now becomes vanished history. That was mainly due to the Slaveholder being the author of his own story and He alone believed that it was His privileged right to choose what part of his history in which he would to be remembered by.

Consequently, the descendants of the formerly enslaved are faced with the very same dilemma in America today. This is hundreds of years after it was our ancestors forced labor that was responsible for many of the elaborate spectacles, structures, and luxuries that are enjoyed by the Privileged in this nation on a daily basis. Despite many great achievements, Black Americans still fight for inclusion, acceptance, and acknowledgement from the descendants of the same slaveholders who once forced the free labor of their African ancestors. Just as we know, the Free labor afforded by slaves is what empowered the descendants of slaveholders today; while at the same time, it has kept the children of the formerly enslaved in a battle for acceptance which is eerily similar to the struggles of the past. The Descendants of Slaveholders deciding the version of their history to be celebrated, acknowledged, and recognized is only a modern day version of a similar feud that preexisted and had been disputed between slaves and their slaveholders for these exact same liberties. The slaveholders (whom represented the privileged) then made claims as to why certain people and undisputable facts weren’t good enough to be included into the history in which they chose to be acknowledged and celebrated. This explains why this centuries old battle has been allowed to continue between the Descendants of the formerly enslaved and the Descendants of Slaveholders. Just like their forefathers, the descendants of Slaveholders apparently see no harm in ignoring or choosing not to celebrate certain parts and pieces of their true beginnings. This is very Contradicting to the message that has been Championed by Clemson University Athletics and others seeking the assistance of young Black gifted recruits nationwide. The message that is being delivered is one of Loyalty, Commitment, and Unity. The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation has no choice but to question their loyalty whenever the University chooses to offer millions of dollars a year through scholarships to young Black High School hopefuls with the prospect of the young Black athlete bringing honor, prestige, and profit to their University, still Clemson University has yet to come forward to acknowledge or to respond to the request for financial aid (in the form of scholarships) on behalf of the Descendants of Nancy Washington Legree. A formerly enslaved woman in which Clemson University arguably has promoted as the 105 year old face of slavery at Fort Hill Plantation. Yet the University has Not Knowingly contributed any financial relief of any form to ANY of the descendants of Nancy Washington Legree. An overlooked, ignored and undocumented fact in American history, is that Nancy Washington Legree (and family) were one of the lasts in the nation to be freed from the grips of slavery. NOW WE MUST ASK CLEMSON UNIVERSITY; AT WHAT START DATE DID YOUR COMMITMENT TO LOYALTY BEGIN?

The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation also has valid reasons to question the legitimacy of true Unity among Clemson University’s faculty and staff in regards to their support and interaction with the non-student population and everyday citizens. This only became disputable after The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation was fortunate enough to achieve a Historic advancement by way of strategically finding a way to honor a formerly enslaved African American woman by the dedication of a pedestrian bridge in her honor. Even after our organization proceeded with our proposal (to honor a formerly enslaved person) to the City of Clemson Council, not one of the scholars, doctors, educators, or leaders from the African American community stepped forward to offer their encouragement or appreciation to our organization for discovering a new and innovative way to add to the display of Black History. A history that is mainly absent and nonexistent to todays society. This was after the University had formed a “committee” in attempt to discover ways to honor the true history of the school through dedication and acknowledgement of the enslaved who were forced to build Clemson University (formerly Clemson college). What message does this send to others with ideas of positive change, who are also underprivileged and therefore unable to afford tuition cost of the University? Will their accomplishments just like The Men of Color Having Answers Foundations be Overlooked? Why would our organization be made to feel as though there is an attempt exclude The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation from history because our achievements were not routed through the University and therefore the University could Not lay claim to such a fitting way of honoring those who were enslaved at Clemson University.

Do we continue a senseless fight, that is only beneficial to the group of people who have continued to ignore the extensive calamities caused by slavery, or do we use our collective minds and produce a Resolution that ends this Generational plaque of mental helplessness. How can we think that it is normal to want to be included by the children of those who first enslaved our African ancestors? We must not only examine but also accept the truth about Racism in America and how the very damaging effects have been unfavorable for Black Americans. At the same time we must align (All People) and begin a collective endeavor to repair all things that we are able to mend.

It is not within the mission of The Men of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) to tarnish or discredit Clemson University of any of the Tremendous Accomplishments that the university has graciously contributed to our society. For Clemson University has been able to accomplish some incredible things and also provide many with the opportunity to add greater contributions in the world and for this, we are thankful.

However it is an obligation to be truthful and honest with the people who believe in our mission and ones who have pledged their very valuable support to The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation. Transparency is Our organizations duty that is owed to society and M.O.C.H.A. representatives did indeed try and reach out in private to the University with a fair resolution (or recommendation) presented months ago. This resolution again sought scholarships from the University which would have provided much needed relief to the descendants of Nancy Washington Legree. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundations request for aid was largely ignored. This was after The Men of Color Having Answers Foundation had successfully moved forward and presented a Resolution to the City of Clemson with a recommendation to honor and remember Nancy Washington Legree by dedicating and placing the formerly enslaved African Americans’ name onto a pedestrian bridge in Clemson, SC. The proposal to name the pedestrian bridge was well received by Clemson City Government, as the Resolution was a historic first for our nation and the idea of adding to our history without the fight of a removal of another mans history was much needed at a time when our country is separated by so much division. It was the failure of Clemson University to acknowledge the history of some which prompted M.O.C.H.A. to Think of an EFFECTIVE Resolution.


Many times in American history, Black people have been subjected to a ” take it or leave it option”, in the Pursuit of Equality. Most times the leave it option ends up being about the same value as one would have gotten if he were able to claim both choices. Surprisingly, the descendants of slaveholders have struggled to accept a well-hidden truth and have yet to find new and effective methods of giving back to those who were effected by the ramifications of their ancestors being enslaved.

In several cases, the overall progression of many Black Americans who have been dealt injustices have been halted, due to Black people not only depending but waiting on Democracy, Justice, and the expected morality of the ones who we hold to a much higher standard. What are our options when there is no response? Do we patiently await a decision from a group of people that has long known our struggles but chose to ignore them? Do we stop providing and making the public aware of the truth, in hopes that our silence will be favored by the descendants of those who enslaved our ancestors? Do we follow in the footsteps of those who have failed before us and mimic some of their unsuccessful strategies; or do we allow these things to inspire and empower us to Create Effective Change?

The silence or the lack of response from Clemson University concerning the request from The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation for financial aid on behalf of the descendants of Nancy Washington Legree was taken as a NO.

Please Understand that our organization refuses to allow similar beliefs and battles of the past to defeat or conquer our mission of today. The answer received only empowered and inspired our mission to examine how some citizens in the south (even after the Emancipation) are still searching and seeking validation from the descendants of the slaveholders who first enslaved their ancestors and denied them of opportunity.

Why is it so important for some to be accepted by the children of those whom parents enslaved their African American grandparents centuries ago? What makes some in Black America world seem so hopeless that they would feel the need to run back to the children of those who enslaved their ancestors, expecting accountability, acceptance, and assistance. I think that we can all agree that Poverty and lack of proper education would be the primary reasons for Black Americans to feel that options are few. Especially when most Black people understand that the policies and views that are forced upon us daily by Companies and organizations have not matched the advancements of the diversity that is carefully choregraphed before the public daily. No matter the amount of mass efforts and resources utilized in attempt to validate the commitment to Unity for some, it is their actual actions or lack of to remedy those things that have caused divisiveness within the area in which they serve.

One of the primary reasons that some Black Americans find themselves seeking the validation of the descendants of those who enslaved their ancestors is because we’ve had no answers and some also suffer from a lack of true identity. We must then immediately question the knowledge, history, and the traditional values that are being taught to Black children daily by some of the same educators who still believe and support the core values of slavery.

When so much of African American history has been forgotten, ignored, and purposely neglected, then we must ask ourselves; what are we doing to preserve it. A much greater question is, What is the Real message being taught to our kids daily through the education system? If the only section of Black History that is willing to be acknowledged; is when Africans were enslaved, then we have already failed our children. What about the history Centuries before Africans and Europeans came to America and why is that time in history overlooked and forgotten?

We can continue with a multitude of questions that we already have some answers for, or we can allow the denial of Accountability to inspire and motivate our mission so that we are no longer dependent upon people who have knowingly caused us hardships, yet have done nothing to rectify the situation. Black people, we have to do our part and get involved and be more aware of the studies of our children.

The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) would like to thank Clemson University for helping our organization to realize that many of the Opportunities that are afforded today, were a result of the efforts of slaves and forced labor. It was the recognition of this ignored fact that inspired our mission to research our history and find the many achievements of those whose stories have gone untold. We also Thank Clemson University for helping M.O.C.H.A. to understand that it took the forced labor of enslaved African Americans working together to create a nation that is still considered The Most Powerful Nation on the Planet today. This fact alone made our organization want to be a part or at least a spark for New Innovative Thinking. A philosophy that believes Black Children shouldn’t have to wait until they are graduated and on campus at an Historically Black College & University (HBCU) before having the opportunity of learning the very rich history and traditions of African Heritage. Most times, many of our kids have dropped out of school before reaching their senior year (due to various reasons) so therefore they never get the opportunity to enjoy the rewards that HBCU’s have to offer. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation wishes to add a much needed Solution to a Generational hardship that many have ignored and therefore there is no Pride in many of our Black Children today. These Generational issues have only existed because there is a lack of true Identity in many of our kids and therefore the system has labeled these kids troublesome. We have found that there is no genuine connection attempted between the educator and the student once he/she has been negatively labeled by the school system. We need educators who understand that Black kids have been affected by the many Injustices, oppressions, and mental setbacks as a result of slavery. Ultimately the Responsibility is one of our very own to ensure that we are allowing an atmosphere that is conducive for study, research for purpose of development, and for advancements of “ALL” People.

Therefore The Men of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) announces with Great Pride an Advancement in education for young Black Americans Children seeking to regain Identity, Pride, Purpose, and Promise by way of African Heritage Studies through Early Education. How do we plan on adding to the early education of Black children?

M.O.C.H.A. presents to you THE NANCY WASHINTON LEGREE, Descendants of African Heritage, School of Arts & Science. Through the Descendants of African Heritage School, we are able to properly educate ALL Children on the true history of their African Ancestors, which began much earlier than the story of slavery. The heartbreaking story of slavery should not be our kids introduction to their history. This has contributed to very low moral of Black children in early education. Although The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation doesn’t have any aspirations of educating any of the students, we will work diligently with other qualified persons to make this Monumental mission a success. We have the power to Eliminate Poverty and other Generational obstacles that have placed progress on pause. We are asking that you would assist our mission at a time when we have the Opportunity to be a very Positive example to Black Children nationwide. We can no longer allow those same obstacles that once defeated us; to claim victory once again.

Through the Descendants of African Heritage School, (M.O.C.H.A.) believes that we are able to instill an early confidence by identifying strengths and disadvantages that will Ultimately propel Black Children to have the ambition to succeed and do much greater things without first seeking the approval of ones who have neglected the very rich history of African Heritage.. We encourage ALL Black Americans to consider building or using a similar model as we have initiated with the Descendants of African Heritage School blueprint. that will be carefully constructed as we explore areas of opportunity that have been hidden. The Goal is to provide our kids with a True Education, which will help them to identify their true strengths at a much earlier age. Slavery Does Not define our Black Children and The Men of Color Having Answers Foundation has a Solution that is guaranteed to deliver very positive results. Our organization welcomes speaking engagements, awareness meetings, and Goal Gatherings regarding this Remarkable method to end Generational hardships experienced by Black Americans through Education. This battle is not our Children’s to fight, however it is our Battle to win. Please help our mission to create The Descendants of African Heritage Schools all across the nation. If we do our research then we will find that getting involved to educate our kids ourselves has been an area of Opportunity that we all have so much room for improvement. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO BE, ALL THE GREAT THINGS THAT WE SEE. HELP US by adding your very valuable support that we will enable us to create a New Form of Education that will reduce poverty, school drop out rates, and ultimately we hope that education will help to reduce crime rates.

Your Support is Necessary to Our Success

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Please Add Support to The M.O.C.H.A. FOUNDATION as we “Provide the Pathway to Promise” for African American/Black students Nationwide by helping our Organization Build and/or lease Location Spaces throughout America so that we are able to Inspire, Encourage, and Motivate Students throughout the country with a New Found truth that had not been an option for All Children, Until Now! WE NEED YOUR HELP! M.O.C.H.A. also seeks assistance so that we are able to add a distinguished and esteemed staff to ensure that our efforts are Successful. PLEASE ADD Much Needed Support to our Mission to add Schools. Your Support is Vital!



M.O.C.H.A. Made American History; History that can’t be Manipulated.


M.O.C.H.A. Says THANK YOU this Holiday Season!