🛑 No More VOTING🗳 Straight Party Tickets!🎯
Millions of individually casted Black Americans votes are given away each year due to the fact that the American Voting System makes it extremely easy for Americans to make one choice and that individual selection is supportive of endorsing a entire political party.
In most cases, many of the names that appear on each ballot are unrecognizable to the average Black citizen; who oftentimes have been made to feel as if it is his/her patriotic duty to add their personal support to a political agenda that has failed to equally represent or be inclusive to Black People in America.
A large share of the unrecognized names that show up on ballots each year have strategically escaped the total accountability of their sworn duties to the citizens who they have inadequately served for decades while being elected and neglecting to address or acknowledge some of the greatest known struggles of a Psychologically afflicted race of people.
For decades now, Black People have subconsciously empowered those who have traditionally ignored our grievances, while failing to understand our responsible roles behind the political success of many in positions of power who have taken our votes for granted. These politicians have shown no commitment to the concerns of the average Black American nationwide and therefore most aren’t worthy of receiving our support.
In effectively educating Black Americans to the unknowns or to those who are only revealed and introduced to many of us during the elections season, it will force political hopefuls/candidates and all those who are currently in office to immediately address the issues in Black America which have been Unattended to for centuries now. These critical issues must be properly addressed and challenged in order for Black People in America to officially advance, which will in return create a much stronger nation.
PLEASE assist The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) as we continue to perfect our ideas of IMMEDIATE CHANGE with intentions of Ending Generational Obstructions of Black People in America.
https://themochamission.org/shop/p/domore24 ORDER Tee-Shirts here from our store.