✊🏾Until the Truth is shared with Black youth, then official progress in 🇺🇸AMERICA 🇺🇸 is almost Impossible 📚

Many times during the span of my youth, I vividly remember hearing the older and much wiser elders around me passionately warn all those whom they believed guilty of habitually falsifying the truth, that one day if they kept telling lies, lightning was going to strike them.

As a kid, this foretelling statement was oftentimes received by all hearers of these prophetic words as comical and subsequently caused great laughter from listeners and even from the Orchestrator of the deception himself.

As an adult today, I now understand the meaning of this powerful foresight that was given by the much more mature and very conscious minds of those around me.

In my feature, I purposely chose the most iconic monument in American history to prove just how telling the spoken words of the wise are today.

After all, the Statue of Liberty, which stands on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor, is perhaps the most recognized monument in the United States of America.

Like the majority of Americans, most were taught that Lady Liberty was a gift that symbolized Freedom, Hope, and Equal opportunity in the land of the Free. That important detail can be verified upon viewing the enormous 305-foot structure, where you will find broken chains or shackles at the base of her left foot, which symbolizes Lady Liberty's freedom.

It is important to remember that The Statute of Liberty was gifted to America from France, two decades after the Civil War had ended in1886.

Though the giant-sized monument was originally created to celebrate the abolition of slavery in America, nevertheless, after experiencing racism, discrimination, and every devastating form of domestic terrorism that one could possibly imagine; over the past 137 years since the erection of the Statue of Liberty, Black Americans more than any of ethnicity understands that the Statue of Liberty has been a stolen monument of deception.

After all, the same shrine that allowed immigrants arriving in America to dream and envision that they had reached the promised land, is also a massive harsh reminder to Black Americans of an oppressive lie.

It is a little known fact, that the Statue of Liberty gets struck by lightning an astonishing 600 times a year, which makes the words of the elders much more compelling.

More than any other race of people in America, Black Americans can fully attest that this statute of false hope has not stood for truth regarding equality, official freedom, and opportunity; for the same group of people who were forced to provide liberties, privileges, fortunes, and a powerful future to European settlers. European colonists who were able to benefit as a result of hundreds of years of free labor.

In recent years, all over the southeastern region of America, there has been a race to create Civil Rights/Black Heritage trails, monuments, and markers to publicly display the stories of African Americans.

However, just as in the case of the Statue of Liberty, these memorials aren’t enough to effectively inspire and bring meaningful change to the lives of Black Americans.

W.E.B. Du Bois already had written in his autobiography addressing the insignificance of the Statue of Liberty, published in 1968. Please review below⬇️

It’s even more discouraging once you consider that Clemson University and other cities in the south, are currently racing to create Heritage trails and memorials that do not serve any purpose of bettering the lives of the descendants of the formerly enslaved, who deserve so much more.

In February of 2023, The Washington Post published a report by esteemed professor Hasan Jeffries, a history professor at Ohio State University, that states politics and tourism are the reasons that Black History trails are being built in areas of the south and that Civil Rights has not been the target.

At Clemson University, millions of dollars has been granted and gifted to create a Black Heritage trail, yet my family’s history has been nearly erased because my grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree was the daughter of the 7th Vice President of the United States of America, John C. Calhoun. It’s even more troubling when you consider that Black educators at Clemson University and local leadership have been used to advocate a deceitful expedition of honoring Black history, yet have chosen to omit a concealed truth that rewrites portions of early American history.

It’s a fact, history has already proven that no trail, monument, or memorial has the power to produce enough impactful change to the lives of African Americans to make a respectable difference.

Wouldn’t it make much more sense, if a percentage of the money that has been gifted, be used more efficiently, in the form of purchasing lands that were stolen from the ancestors and some of the lands be given back and divided among the descendants of the formerly enslaved?

In cases such as this, why wouldn't a portion of the grants be equally distributed amongst the descendants as a form of reparations? Especially whenever Clemson University has been well aware of this issue for over a century now? The lack of exploring the above resolutions are what makes the initiative to create a heritage trail seem so ingenuous.

In September 2020, I submitted a proposal to name an unnamed bridge over HWY 123 in Clemson, SC after my grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree. The proposal was unanimously voted in favor of by the Clemson City Council, yet despite receiving the total support of the council, this Resolution was never acted upon.

However, I’m sure that one of the main reasons for the construction of the heritage trail, was to boost the Clemson area economy, one that is largely dependent on tourism. 

This is undoubtedly the Statue of Liberty effect all over again. It just comes in the form of a Black Heritage trail.

The Legree Resolution presented by The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) which would name an unnamed bridge in Clemson, SC after a formerly enslaved African American woman was unanimously voted in favor of by Clemson City Council (10/19/20) but never acted upon.⬇️

The fact of the matter is, all people who understand and also ones that stand for positive change in the lives of the Black people all across the nation, must do something to create meaningful changes in the lives of citizens who are still being oppressed in areas such as Clemson, SC, and all across America.

Shamefully, Black people in the southern United States of America have been oppressed for so long, that many now suffer from TWD.

What is TWD?

The Walmart Disorder is when you allow oppression to walk into your doors smiling, while they rob you of your goods, and then return your stolen merchandise back to you without a receipt. You then give them the money back for a purchase that was never made; not understanding that these people never really invested into you in the first place. They only used what was stolen from you and then sold it back to you. This is the 2023 Oppressed Black mind.

We should remember, If we are only marching each time when something goes wrong in Black America, then we are failing to properly address our own issues. Right now, America isn’t just canceling culture, they are also canceling truth. What are we doing to ensure that our kids are educated to the truth, while also being inspired and motivated to achieve success at the highest levels?

This is why The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) has provided the most effective form of inspiration, motivation, and education through a nationwide plan of creating H.O.M.E. or The House Of Motivation Encouragement & Education.

H.O.M.E. will address these concerns and so much more, while also offering truth and sure inspiration that will instantly transform the hearts and minds of Black Americans who maybe feeling hopeless. 

More importantly, this isn’t just a local goal, this is a Nationwide mission of immediate change along with innovative ideas and visions that most churches, mentors, and governing authorities aren’t interested in teaching.

This is one of the primary reasons why the crime rate has skyrocketed amongst Black people in the majority of the cities across America.

It’s simply because our youth aren’t being effectively inspired and motivated to change, as a result of the lack of communication of the truth and improper teaching.

We must first love ourselves, while taking pride in who we who actually are.

We must also begin to question ourselves, as to our actions of change that go beyond a response, march, or a protest, and only after things have gone wrong in our communities?

We must acknowledge that we are fully capable of healing ourselves with unused methods of resolve that until now, have been ignored.

I’ve found that the major factor that has contributed to our true issues in Black America having gone unaddressed, is a direct result of oppression being the largest provider of funding to individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses who are responsible for delivering the honest truth; so therefore the truth and real inspiration has been banned from open conversation.

Disappointedly, we have teachers who could careless about our Black Children or a vanished truth that could potentially inspire them. We have Black American adults who still find reasons to spend billions of dollars with the Koreans for hair products and those same Koreans have stores in every one our neighborhoods, but are noticeably absent in the fight for justice, whenever it’s mainly their customers who are being oppressed in the worst way. We need more Black women with a Madam C.J. Walker mentality.

The truth is, many of us still have the slave man’s mentality, which allows for us to collectively make everyone rich but ourselves.

We have churches that are given undocumented amounts of money each week from their faithful members, yet most church leaders are afraid to preach the truth or show up at City Council meetings demanding that their people are treated fairly and given opportunity. Why? Because these same preachers, teachers, bishops, and pastors are being funded to keep their members in line waiting and praying for change, whenever we are able to fix our own situations. How can we realistically expect Black youth to love each other and stick together, whenever our leadership has abandoned them? This makes no sense, yet it explains why their hasn’t been any noticeable change for Black Americans in the United States of America in the past 60 years.

The House Of Motivation Encouragement & Education Centers all across America will implement welcoming resolutions all across America. A change that is urgently needed Now more than ever before.

Over the past few years, I have written over 70 Solutions to End Generational Obstacles Faced by Black People in America, but now I’m humbly asking that you would contribute to a greater cause of creating effective change in America that will be instantly reflected upon the hearts, minds, and very powerful ambitions of the descendants whose ancestors labored for free to build the strongest nation on planet earth.

It’s now time that I speak to inspire the masses. I ask that you would add a contribution to a very important cause by helping me to build The House Of Motivation Encouragement & Education Centers all across America. Please add a generous gift at The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation’s (M.O.C.H.A.) secured website below, where you will receive a tax deductible receipt of your charitable giving. I NEED YOU TO ASSIST ME AND OTHERS ON STAFF TO BEGIN A CHANGE THAT WILL RESTORE AND REJUVENATE BLACK AMERICANS LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Please donate below⬇️

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A MEMBER OF OUR PROLIFIC ORGANIZATION OF CHANGE By providing a Pathway to Promise for individuals who might not have the opportunities to succeed, then please press the link below to add support through your kind acts generosity⬇️ https://www.themochamissions.org/mochamember/sponsor

If you would like to learn more about the services of The House Of Motivation Encouragement & Education (H.O.M.E), please press the link below to add your support to The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation’s mission of Nationwide change⬇️ https://www.themochamissions.org/solutions/home-house-of-motivation-encouragement-amp-education


We are grateful for The NAACP, but it may be time to Modernize our fight for Civil Rights by forming The N.B.A.C.📝


WANTED: Reparations Law Attorney 👨🏾‍💼🧑🏽‍💼 to file suit against CLEMSON UNIVERSITY!