Civil Rights Analysts would raise much needed Awareness to an Unjust & Unfair Justice System in America.

In 2021, one of the most overlooked and ignored injustices that continue to occur against Black Americans is currently being executed inside of countless courtrooms across this nation.

Sadly, “Courtroom Lynchings” happen each and everyday in America and we can No longer allow these unjust, unfair, and undocumented tragedies to continue to enchain and claim the lives of innocent Black Americans. After being letdown so many times, shockingly, the majority of Black Americans still continue to make the mistake of placing their faith into a system that has shown to have a Predetermined mindset.

A system that most understand, wasn’t constructed to equally include Black Americans.
The reality is, there has always been private underhand deals that have been secretly and illegally made between Government, State, LOCAL SOLICITORS/DISTRICT ATTORNEYS and certain JUDGES. Many times, rogue Judges who misuse their authority to issue Unjust warrants and rulings against citizens based on the Color of their skin. We can continue to scream about this Major Grievance that No One has properly addressed, or we can start on a road to Rapid Recovery, by evening the playing field with actions of Effective Change. We must create a system that allows for judges who bend the rules inside of the courtroom while using an unfair system with intentions of benefiting some, in order to convict others, be held accountable for their courtroom decisions. Controversial and Questionable Rulings that most judges have been allowed to escape true accountability for; due to a system which has failed to discover new methods of resolution. A system that has shown no mercy to those who have been traditionally punished and severely over sentenced. This system that has also implemented unfair tactics intended to block, restrict, and hinder a race of people based on the color of their skin, has to be stopped.

Please understand that the state works closely alongside the judges and the Prosecutors daily in this country, and as a result , this everyday interaction, enables friendships to develop. Some of these same people also have common interest or affiliations such as beliefs, agendas, and even family relations. The Judicial System in America is not only outdated, but it has yet to be properly monitored for the purpose of improvement, development, and understanding. Because our court systems have been void of true transparency, there is Not much fear of the consequences for unfair rulings being handed down in a system that has already made it’s mind up regarding the unfair punishment being administered towards Black Americans in this country daily. There truly doesn’t seem to be immediate change on the horizon and without some sort of Solution or Change to this system, we are ignoring the fact that Countless years are being unfairly taken from Black Americans daily. We must remember the origin of this system that was created to capture, jail, and kill Black people in America. We’ve already marched, protested, and displayed our pains but until we produce New and Innovative methods of resolve, our cries will remain confined to the ears of those who have ignored our grievances for Generations now.

When we search for solutions to solve the Generational grievances experienced by Black Americans, we must look to those who are in position to make Immediate change.

Students that are currently enrolled in Law Schools all across this nation are in proper placement to become involved and request that Civil Rights Analysts programs are an added curriculum. Many devoted hours of study are already tirelessly spent inside courtrooms all across America in order for students to earn accredited hours that are necessary for Graduation. Law Schools have an opportunity to initiate much needed change to the culture and the perception of the American Courtroom.

The Introduction of Civil Rights Analysts (CRA) to courtrooms would enable Law students to record information and instant statistics that are vital to understanding and remedying unforgiving Generational injustices that have claimed more lives than almost All calamities faced by Black People in America combined.

Courtroom Lynchings or Modern Day Hangings, are blindly accepted mainly due to the fact that the public has very limited information regarding these injustices that commonly occur.

Most injustices that occur against Black Americans in courtrooms across America are overlooked, due to many cases involving Black Americans being overcharged for crimes. Another reason that Courtroom Lynchings in the South are undetectable, is because most people look at the amount of time that is punishable by law and aren’t conscious to the fact that Black Americans are being sentenced to the max. While White Americans are being given much lighter sentences for the very same crimes.

Unfortunately, these courtroom crimes go unnoticed, because an oppressive system has brainwashed most citizens to stand behind a judges decision without being knowledgeable of his/her past decisions. The recording and the study of this information is critical, in order to bridge the connection between his/her decisions that may have unfairly convicted a group of people, based on the color of their skin.
The addition of Civil Rights Analysts (CRA), to America’s courtrooms would restore many Black Citizens’ confidence in receiving fair trials and equal treatment. Civil Rights Analysts becoming involved in our courtrooms; by recording motions, hearings, decisions, and courtroom behavior, would go a very long way in fixing our justice system in America. The information gathered, would also assist our future lawyers, judges, and decision makers, by allowing them to study the numbers and make the appropriate adjustments. They would then be able to compare Black Americans judgements to other races with the same issues, for the purpose of repairing a broken system that hasn’t shown any favor to people of Color in America. We must begin to effectively utilize recorded courtroom information so that it can be studied, and later remedied from the research conducted.
There are thousands of Law Students in this country and We have the Power to instantly implement a plan to Immediately include Civil Rights Analysts in every courtroom in America. This task should be easy considering that Law students are already positioned inside of many of Americas courtrooms. We should easily be able to so add programs in which 6-12 students that are studying Civil Rights Law, become involved? The primary responsibility of the students, would be to record the information that is observed inside of the courtroom, and then sending it directly to a larger system which would document the results daily. This system would also be used to discipline Judicial conduct, while offering Effective oversight and adding much needed revision to a system that has Never been altered.

This Innovative Plan is very helpful in multiple ways. It helps students who will soon be journeying into law, gain a real understanding of those who are being oppressed, due to their unjust treatment inside of America’s courtrooms. It also helps us to be able to study this information for purposes of Immediate Remedy and Advancement. Many times African Americans walk into courtrooms across this nation starring at faces that are unfamiliar to them. Some instantly feel defeated because they understand that every face that has been included, falls short of having empathy or understanding for the unfair challenges experienced by Black People in America.

The addition of CRA’s to courtrooms will restore confidence to Black Americans, by understanding that someone is actually overseeing and correcting the actions of Judges and Government officials.

One of the Greatest Advantages of The M.O.C.H.A. FOUNDATIONS plan is that this will allow a system that has been untouchable to be critiqued and eventually corrected.
This information would be recorded daily and once there are 3 occurrences of any judge, solicitor, or Public Defender within a period of 90 days, then this official would be removed from future cases involving African Americans, indigenous Americans, and High Profile situations, until his/her behavior is later evaluated and cleared.
Including CRA is a plan that doesn’t require anyone to do anything different inside of the courtroom. This plan only involves students manually recording the necessary information and passing it along to a system that simply documents and stores the results. The results from this information could later be used to support Many request of shorter and more limited terms of office by those who have proven to abuse their positions of Power.

PLEASE REMEMBER NO ONE IS PERFECT AND NO ONE IS ABOVE JUDGEMENT. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, but there are too many Undercover Injustices occurring against Black People in America. We must start somewhere.

Thank you.

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Open Letter to CLEMSON 🐅 Requesting Action✍🏾


We don’t have to Abolish, Whenever We are Capable of creating Our OWN!