We don’t have to Abolish, Whenever We are Capable of creating Our OWN!
This Solution is short, direct and Effective. Black America, I’m asking that we wake up Immediately. We fight with the stress each day of knowing that a system is out to Capture, Kill, and destroy the lives of Black Americans since the beginning of time in America.
There is No doubt that Coroner’s, Police, EMT and others who are paid to serve and protect using Americans tax dollars have taken advantage and manipulated a system that was Never intended to Remedy Black America. Let me remind some that it’s 2021 and there is no way that we should still be dealing with a Racist system built on the beliefs of White Supremacy. Please understand, that We have the Power to create our Own Emergency Services that are capable of responding to Emergencies, providing efficient help in problem solving, and protection. I’m writing this hoping to put Innovative thoughts into the minds of African Americans in hopes that someone else will begin to think of Solutions and Not just show up in city’s across the nation after a Death has occurred for Profit. We don’t need anymore Police Organizations that only show their faces when another Black Man is innocently murdered at the hands of the police. Why aren’t they showing up with SOLUTIONS for the many Injustices that occur daily in AMERICA? We have the Power in Black America to make this happen. Please Understand and stay with me.
When I founded themochamission.org one year ago and before the tragedy of George Floyd, no one had solutions. We were supporting large Name groups and No Effective change had been made. It doesn’t benefit marchers, protesters, and all those who stand for change when single individuals are receiving a payoff or trade off for another life that’s taken. The purpose of The M.O.C.H.A. FOUNDATION is to Think of Effective Solutions to End Generational Obstacles Faced by Black People in America. Independence has been long overdue and truthfully we should have parted ways with a Police system that was built to destroy us, over One hundred years ago. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS REDUCE CONFRONTATION, Peacefully solve our issues with other Black Americans, and to cut down interaction with local, state, and Government Police agencies. If we don’t call them, they don’t work and if companies prefer to continue funding the Police after our plan is established, then We must pull away our support for their businesses. African Americans are the largest contributors to the U.S. economy and we must learn how to Effectively use our spending Power to our Advantage.
How do we make this Happen?
If every Black citizen/Ally commits to donating one dollar a day or $7 a week to an Organized Emergency fund (that we are capable of creating), then we would have more than enough to build, create, and fund our own system that assists Black people in America. We must understand that we pay much more in taxes each day when are out contributing to an economy that requires the Black dollar, but one that doesn’t respect the spender. It could be as simple as the many Black millionaires/Allies in America who stand for Positive change and Advancements of Black people to come together and donate $100,000 to each city in the nation to get this operation off of the ground and started.
This plan is very achievable because if you go back into the https://themochamission.org/solutions/mocha you will see that the very first Solution written was titled, “Black Wealth, We Have to Heal ourselves.” In this written solution, you will see that I encouraged Very successful African Americans such as LeBron James, Shawn Carter (Jay-Z ), Sean Combs (Diddy) and others to donate 10 million dollars each to create our own economy in different regions of the country. My idea was published on themochamission.org on 5/10/20 only to witness the idea of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundations was later used by an icon who donated or committed to 100 million dollars (ALONE) to the Black community over a period of 10 years https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/05/michael-jordans-brand-donates-100-million-to-anti-racist-groups.html The commitment by Micheal Jordan was made less than 1 month after our organization had published our Effective idea which consisted of 5 Successful Black Business Moguls committing to a sum of $50 Million dollars or 10 million each to invest into Black America Regionally. Mr Jordan’s commitment was made on 6/5/20.
We are forever thankful for those who stand with us while we Overcome this Generational Issue that has already claimed too many Black lives already, but we needed those precious funds donated to an actual Effective plan of Action in order for it to make Effective change happen Now. Otherwise Some Black Americans will Not live to see the intended changes from this very Generous donation.
Black Americans failure to understand that it’s a necessity to Effectively and Aggressively address the issues that have been ongoing, Could potentially mean 100 or more years of an Oppressive system that Relentlessly continues to Kill and claim lives of innocent Black Men, Women, and Children. We can easily create our own system’s starting in cities across this nation. Oppression and the current system would want you to believe that creating our own system is a pipe dream but the Police system in America derived from Slave Hunters/Militias with No training and one agenda; to Capture, Kill, and imprison Black peoples across America. So what are we going to do? Think about it, if we could get commitment from those in Upper class America by donating $1 million dollars to launch this plan starting in the major cities in America., it would create Immediate change. The dollar a day or $7 a week ( initially) is more than worth Black America giving an opportunity or do we continue to do the very same things and continue to fatally wait for a system that Never remedied Black America to step forward and admit its wrongs and change its ways. Unfortunately that hasn’t happened in the 400 year history of America and We really don’t have 400 more years to wait. We must do something that is effective NOW!
Maybe this isn’t your Plano action, but what actions are we taken that has potential for immediate change? There is no way that we should be calling the same system for help, that finds multiple ways to slain Black AMERICANS daily in this nation.