A 12-year-old kid😢 should still be alive & students🚸 in the largest School District🏫 in South Carolina🙅🏾‍♂️ shouldn’t be traumatized for life.

Scene of Tanglewood Middle School in GREENVILLE, South Carolina on March 31, 2022. (courtesy of wlos.com/Photo credit; WLOS Staff)

There is no secret regarding my self-publicized battles with the state of South Carolina over the past 20 months for truth, inclusion, education, opportunity, and freedom. During this very trying period of time, my mission to discover Solutions capable of ending generational obstacles faced by Black People in America was many times shunned by local/state political leaders, activists, Churches, and just about everyone with a business tax ID in the state of South Carolina.

Despite the unwarranted ill intentions of so many to exclude the effective written solutions from The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.), I successfully continued to unlock several unknown historical discoveries of American History, while also successfully providing pivotal answers to many of the unaddressed issues facing all American citizens.

However, I still desired to take a different and more effective approach, by way of focusing on discovering the improvements that challenged America to take the unevaluated path of refining the lives of Black people living in poverty. Although this revision focuses on effectively addressing and swiftly remedying the ignored generational hurdles of African-Americans, I found that these monumental changes are essential to providing positive change for all people.

Scene of Tanglewood Middle School in GREENVILLE, South Carolina on March 31, 2022. (courtesy of wlos.com/Photo credit; WLOS Staff)

By no means in delivering my truth is there an attempt to divide, however, this is a solid effort by a normal citizen who cared enough about the safety of all children to discover effective solutions that are beneficial to ending the current crisis of school violence. The solutions that have been offered by The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.), were all presented at a time when state and local leaders in South Carolina had made an unwise decision not only to ignore but also to exclude the contributions of The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation.

An intentional inhumane act of prohibiting the participation of the solutions from The Men Of Color Having Answers (M.O.C.H.A.) from being effectively utilized, is the explanation of why a life-saving offering presented by The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation was not genuinely considered, nor was there any meaningful feedback from a fragile South Carolina Educational system whose stats have reflected their meniscal investments into the education of the students of the state.

There is a huge difference between Raising Awareness (activism) and decision-making (government). South Carolina needs to decide if the truth is based on political or biblical truth. Political truth seems to be the only selection that offers the opportunity to say the right things, while falsely representing the change being promoted. This is despite the absence of meaningful progress being made. Ironically, many religious groups have already been established in the school systems and the prison systems in South Carolina for decades and now both of these large organizations find themselves struggling through challenging times.
— Andrew Peppers

In many ways, recent history has shown us that we should remain humbly realistic with our expectations while having serious doubts that this ongoing problem in our schools is capable of being solved or remedied by area religious organizations alone. Unfortunately, there have been several area missions of ineffective resolve that are ongoing and yet to have produced their promised results. Many of these operations of repair are unidentifiable to the current struggles of African-Americans, who have been neglected by a society that has failed to successfully reach our youth, and therefore there are very few examples of accomplishment within areas that have been traditionally vulnerable to receiving assistance. It is no surprise that the majority of these pursuits have been traditionally headed by political interests or religious groups that have failed to successfully reach the youth in ways that are reflective or visible within the most neglected areas of poverty.

Our kid’s battles are our wars, yet to have won.
— Andrew Peppers

post written and presented by The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.OC.H.A.) on 3/26/22. Regrettably, there was no response from the churches despite the absence of any other organized plans to educate being offered.

Someday it will be difficult for many African-American children to understand how some religious leaders would publicly stand up in unity, only after a death, but have refused to work together to effectively re-educate their own youth. Our failure to do so has resulted in African-American achievements being subjected to the approvals of those who had neglected to tell the true stories of people of color for centuries now.
— Andrew Peppers

This unbelievable mission in South Carolina requires the inclusion of all citizens in order to make the desired changes that many have imagined or grown to expect from a great state of people who deserve so much better. Shamefully, some Black citizens have anxiously waited for centuries just to be able to add their family’s personal chapters of Greatness to the unknown story of where the first pulse of a nation actually occurred.

There is no doubt, that this assignment is much larger than any individual name being attached to it and requires more commitment than placing a particular face as the sole representative of a statewide movement of change. This monumental mission requires actions along with prayer. A mission that is absent of words spoken to appease the minds of the people. We must not forget, Our kid’s battles are our wars, yet to have won.

After observing a moderately disturbing social media feud between several Greenville Middle School students in November 2021, I instantly became involved in Peacefully resolving an issue that had the potential of becoming a major school disturbance. Shortly after writing an immediate Solution for this issue, I then reached out to the majority of leadership in Greenville, County Schools in South Carolina.👇🏾

Solution Email sent to Greenville County Schools on 12/02/21.

Email sent to dozens of Greenville County Schools in advance, informing of a plan to create a much safer environment for students to learn. 12/02/21

Email sent to dozens of Greenville County Schools, informing of a plan to create a much safer environment for students to learn. 12/02/21

I believe that stiffer penalties should be enforced in South Carolina schools in order to reduce random acts of violence, which should be handled by a no-tolerance to school violence policy. Which would be defined as any act or serious threat of violence that would immediately be recommended for expulsion. The offending student would then have to sit before the school board for a quick examination or an assessment that would determine if he/she is eligible to return to their school campus. If the School board unanimously believes that the actions of the student are serious enough and merit expulsion, then the student should be given an opportunity to reform himself at an off-campus alternative school that would further examine while assisting to heal the primary source of the issue affecting the student.

We must acknowledge, that the children of today have evolved, and placing metal detectors at the entrances of their schools, is no more effective than they are at preventing crimes at areas clubs that have also been recently ravaged by gun violence. Sure we are potentially able to add 10 police officers to each individual campus, yet we would be turning a learning institution into a prison camp and it wouldn’t take long for those same kids to negatively respond to these immoral methods out in society. The truth is, we could add a force of 50 police officers to a school of only 800 students and I’m positive that the fifty police officers would still inform you that their duties would still be extremely challenging.

Response issued by Greenville County Board during meeting in 2016, after hearing parents concerns. photo credits WHNS foxcarolina.com

I Agree with the School Board’s decision.

I totally agree with the decision of the Greenville County School Board in 2016, declining to add metal detectors to the school’s entrances. This decision made by the Greenville County School Board has been backed by many statistics that have shown the use of metal dictators, has failed to stop acts of violence in our children’s schools that involve the use of weapons.

I strongly believe that the Greenville County School Board got it right in 2016, as they provided an actual reason for rejecting the idea of providing a false sense of security to their students. However, I do think that Greenville County was making a decision that was best for all kids, nevertheless, at the time of this decision, the school board had been void of an actual solution that would allow for developing trust, while also initiating and opening avenues of communication between students, staff, specialized school personnel. At the very same time, the additions of Student Care consultants and the Check With Me boxes make it possible to respond to real-time conflicts, in order to provide proactive measures that will safely defuse troubling matters before these situations have an opportunity to negatively affect the learning experiences of others around.

This difficult mission requires Advanced and Innovative Minds for the purposes of remedy and not old ideas that have already failed many school systems in the nation but due to these failed plans not being utilized or tested on your children, these ideas are endorsed as a form of desperation.

Parents must subconsciously ask themselves, are they comfortable with taking an uninformed risk of adding measures of protection that are only supported as a result of citizens who have had a voice within their communities feeling that they are all out of options?

I strongly believe it to be in the best interest of the Greenville County School District and others nationwide to effectively add the additions of Student Care Consultants and the Check With Me Boxes on the grounds of our nation’s schools. This powerful solution presented by The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation is capable of instantly addressing our children’s issues, on day one of its establishment. The construction of these critical boxes is surprisingly cost-friendly, yet the results of their presence are immediately able to turn things around in school systems nationwide.

We Must Evolve in order to finally solve this generational difficulty. This is necessary in order to safely and securely ensure that all student futures in the state of South Carolina, are as solid as the grounds of truth that we firmly stand on.

It is my hope that Greenville County School District students will quickly begin to heal, as Greenville County Schools administration learns from a tragedy that truly did not have to happen.

Learn more about the innovative plan of establishing Check With Me boxes on the grounds of schools, which would greatly reduce the threat of violence and other disturbances during schooling. 👇🏾


Discover how another Innovative plan would introduce Student Care Consultants to the school systems by properly addressing the issues that greatly affect our children’s performance while at school. 👇🏾




👩🏾‍⚖️Legal Confederate Capitalism🧓🏻 could never be constructive🚫 These condemned acts🚫 will later create a clueless American Society🤷🏻‍♂️


Discovering Hidden Truth couldn’t hurt.📖Calling on the Black Church ⛪️ to help make it work👩🏾‍🏫👨🏾‍🏫.