A Dollar For Change

The Very Unjust killing of an Unarmed Black Man named George Floyd undoubtedly has changed America forever. Protesters have spoken and Americans have heard the cry of the masses. The Protesters are very tired, angry, and making sure that they do their part for change. Surprisingly, the only difference between the protester and yourself is that they decided to add or to personally contribute to the change that they envisioned. We all want Change. The truth is, no matter what it is that we do to create change, Nothing is going to change; if the people making the current decisions remain the same. We can’t wait on others to move first whenever they really have no Interest in fixing our problems. We have to first initiate and create our own change that we seek. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation has an effective and organized plan of action to ensure that People of Color (Specially Black People) are involved in the decision making process in America by way of Voting. This New exciting, effective, and Innovative operation will be called “The Underground Trailways” The Pathway to Freedom! This mission earns it’s name from the very successful Underground Railroad which was a network used by Slaves that helped lead them to freedom. The Pathway to Freedom is an organized plan that initially involves going into the most poverty-stricken areas of the communities and getting the forgotten people Registered. We have to show them that their vote will create Change. We will first use new strategic and innovative ways to get their attention. We can No longer depend on campaign adds to motivate our People of Color to VOTE. The traditional methods had failed to reach the masses of People of Color, therefore they have no interest. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation pushes to be the change that we seek. Our plans include the use of buses which will transport voters from a designated Polling Place Party (tbd) to the actual Polling place to cast their ballots. The Polling Place Party will be a designated location where People of Color meet prior to boarding their appointed bus for voting. The Polling Place Party will be located within respect to the voters assigned voting Poll Place location. The Polling Place Party should be equipped and able to provide free food for all voters and their children, games for kids, free childcare from certified childcare providers, and other attractions while you vote. It is our duty to accommodate you. It is also important that we add additional attractions in order to capture the attention of the people that we need most. This is how we officially make change happen. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation over the past two weeks have registered dozens of 1st time voters. We were fortunate enough to register a 90 year old Black Woman who had never registered nor had she ever voted before in her life. Her story was simple but like many, she explained that no one had ever reached out to her. She went further to say that all she had ever seen were the vote signs in lawns and also many adds that are seen on TV. She stated, “No one ever knocked on my door to get my vote”. She felt forgotten and unimportant, and her story was the inspiration of which The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation uses to fight hard to make sure that we reach all of our forgotten and overlooked People of Color. We WILL make Change. We need the buses (rental), not only to provide transportation from the Polling Place Party to the Actual Polling Place but to use the buses as a Platform of Organization so that we maybe able to educate our voters together on the bus ride over to the actual Polling Place. We need buses so that all voters are in Solidarity. It is our goal to get a consensus or and agreement by all voters before the bus reaches it’s ultimate destination of the Polling Place. Our chances for change are so much Greater when we organize, plan, and proceed with action. We have to continue the momentum that has already been created by the protesters. They want change but ultimately it is up to us to provide the organization and the agenda to officially create change. That is why it is imperative that we have our Celebrity community to assist us in our Enormous, but very Achievable Mission. However, It pains my heart at how quick we can use our Power to influence the world with an ALL IN CHALLENGE but nobody remembered to CHALLENGE OUR PEOPLE TO VOTE. Please, someone have a heart and step up and help us complete our mission for Change, that we so desperately need. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation was the very first organization to submit a Stand In/ Stop & Watch solution in hopes of ending Police Brutality across America. We also take pride in being the only organization that submitted an actual solution in hopes of ending the riots, called The George Floyd Law; This would make it a Felony plus prison time for cops convicted of killing unarmed Black People. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation has continued to think of countless solutions to end the issues that currently effect us most. We desperately need your support with our organized mission for change . We need everyone to invest in change. Have a part in History. Complaining gets us nowhere, especially whenever our next step is to click on the next post and see or hear the same story, just told by a different narrator. Let’s join together now and destroy the myth, that voting doesn’t work for us. Please remember it was Black People coming together along with millions of other people (all races) that voted President Obama into office. Let’s take our Broken hearts, our hurt feelings, and our tremendous passion that has been ignited by the murder Unjust murder of George Floyd, Breona Taylor, and Others to the polls and make a statement of change. Let’s create change that not only will be heard but one that will be observed and acknowledged as a Pivotal Game Changer in American history. Please pledge a dollar to change. If we don’t have anything of monetary value to leave to our children , then let’s leave them with opportunity, hope, and promise of a much better day. That moment of change starts the very instant that you click to get involved and assist with a mighty mission that makes us all so much Greater.


