Black Americans should say No 🚫to the celebration of Thanksgiving, and Yes to Giving Thanks for The Awakening🙌🏾

Growing up in the South during the 80s, one of my very first memorable moments that comes to mind during my youth, which instantly made me fall in love with art and believe that learning was fun, occurred during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Despite enjoying my early educational experiences, Oftentimes, I still reminisce and reflect on the many times over the years past that I thoughtlessly participated in various entertaining school activities that were maliciously detrimental to the discovery of the truth of who I am.

However, no school project was more exciting than the art of handcrafting a “Hand Turkey,” by simply tracing the perimeter of your hand onto a sheet of notebook paper.

As a kid, I also have so many fond memories of constructing colorful paper-feathered Indian headdresses that had to be stapled together multiple times before the completion of the assembly.

After all, this was Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful and appreciative for life, blessings, and family.

Like most, for me, Thanksgiving had traditionally represented family feasting and fellowship during a season when most are already starting to look towards Christmas while struggling to contain early holiday cheer.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”
1 Corinthians 13:11

What is an unknown fact about THANKSGIVING, and what was the meaning of the first Thanksgiving dinner?


BEGINNING in the very late 1400s, BLACK American Indians (Copper-Colored/Black people) began encountering, resisting, and battling the intrusion of the Conquistadors, who were the first White Men to arrive in what is now known as the United States of America. The Conquistadors, who were from Spain, were the first Europeans to try to conquer, enslave, and erase the existence of the American Indians (Copper-Colored/Black people) in order to steal the land from a Black nation of people and obtain free labor.

Starting in the mid-1500s, the Huguenots (1562-1598) were the next wave of White European Men who came to America from France and attempted to do what the Spanish were unable to: colonize the New World while VICTIMIZING and DESTROYING the INDIGENOUS people.

After multiple failed attempts to live in peace with two different nations of White Men who had come from Europe and encroached on the land of the American Indians, finally, THE FIRST BRITISH EUROPEANS (Pilgrims ) ARRIVED IN AMERICA IN 1619 in Jamestown, VA, with Twenty ""AFRICAN SLAVES "" ON BOARD. The serving of a huge feast on behalf of the American Indian people (our Ancestors) was first recognized as Thanksgiving and was received as the welcoming meal of peace that was offered to the Pilgrims (British/UK) only a couple of years after they had arrived in America.

Unfortunately, after the first Thanksgiving meal was offered as a gesture of peace to the latest arrivals of a new nation of EUROPEAN people (the British), history reveals that EUROPEANS would quickly betray the trust of the American Indians, and the genocide that first began with the Spanish and the French would continue for over 400 years as the British being the perpetrators.

I’ve discovered that most Traditions that were forcefully instilled into our ancestors during slavery that were later passed down to the descendants, did not truly honor our true American Indian culture.

Nevertheless, I've also found that these forced European traditions represent some of the greatest mental challenges for many Black Americans to overcome, and successfully recover from.

Black Americans need to understand that Thanksgiving is not a holiday that we should continue to blindly observe, simply because the feast that is represented as the meal that was benevolently served to European colonizers on behalf of the American Indians was more than just a Peace Offering. Thanksgiving dinner was more of a display of gratitude on behalf of our ancestors and received as a a welcoming gift by European colonists.

Unfortunately, after a tremendous amount of gratitude was extended to the European colonizers, history records an estimated 75 to 100 million American Indians were killed. Add on several million more of Black Americans who died as a result of American Slavery and you'll have one of the greatest overlooked genocides that the world has ever seen.

The truth is that our ancestors only celebrated and acknowledged holidays such as Thanksgiving as a result of the laws that severely punished them for continuing to embrace their own American Indian culture. Therefore many of their traditions have been lost.

After the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the resulting Trail of Tears, our American Indian ancestors, some who had always been freedmen, chose to remain in and near their homelands. Even after the Indian Removal Act, In the South, Black freedmen constantly lived in fear of being removed, enslaved, or even killed for continuing to observe their American Indian heritage.

During this time, the only way that our ancestors understood how to continue living in peace while being tolerated by a Euro-American culture, was by openly displaying their patriotism during the holidays to appease the colonists.

As bizarre as these actions may seem today, our American Indian ancestors only used this deceptive method of compliance as a way of displaying to White Americans that they had conformed to the European culture, through festive efforts that publicly showcased their patriotism through celebration. Unfortunately, the descendants of the American Indians have very little knowledge of their ancestor’s very deep history. Shamefully, most of the descendants today, have shown very little interest in tracing their ancestry to anything outside of the Euro-American mythical narrative of how Black people first arrived in America enslaved.

We must keep in mind that all things American Indian, including language, culture, religion, fashion, education, land, and our true identities, were all stripped away from our Copper-Colored Ancestors.

This explains why the average Black American has very few identical connections to an African heritage that he has been told that he belongs to.

As a result, seeking the connections through ancestry searches have been a very problematic area where most Black Americans usually get stuck, desperately searching the entire landmass of Africa for their ancestors. Ultimately, many discouragingly give up hope on branching the connections of their past, and eventually prematurely end their pursuit.

The mental exhaustion from Confusion is often a major contributing factor and one of the main reasons that so many black people give up their search. Despite being taught by the American public school system that Black people arrived on slave ships in America from Africa, you have yet to review any credible stories that directly and successfully bridge Black Americans to “African slaves.”

I'm not saying that there aren’t any stories in circulation, however, what I am saying is that your ancestors were already here hundreds if not thousands of years before European colonization.

Based on the realistic numbers, facts, and concealed history that I am aware of, I have concluded that a staggering 89% of Black people in America today, are the descendants of the American Indians in the United States.

The only reason that an entire nation of people is unaware of the facts is because most have believed what they have been taught while failing to conduct their own research.

Priceless research, which was unable to be utilized by our ancestors in the past, has steadily digressed into the descendant's failure to seek the knowledge of today, by neglecting to examine the newly discovered facts.

The majority of Black Americans (the American Indians) today will argue that they are African solely based on the color of their skin and the belief of what they have been taught, by the American educational system. One that is responsible for teaching a false doctrine regarding the inclusion of real Black history, and has ultimately led to the MISEDUCATION of all AMERICAN people.

At the same time that our ancestor’s identities had been misclassified, they were simultaneously stripped of the ability to learn the English language, which was only spoken by European colonists. Over time, even the Euro-American White race of people in America were deprived of the truth, by way of the educational system, which began discriminately omitting the history of the people who originally inhabited the lands that we now call the United States of America.

A critical part of American history that is never discussed, is how Millions of American Indians (Black people) were slaughtered and unaccounted for in the American history books. Ask yourself how millions of people can be murdered in the process of American colonialism, and no one has anything to say about this. How can 20 million or more people be murdered during a period that ended only about 150 years ago, and these people are not represented by any of their descendants today?

No stories, no outrage, no anything. It is because all of the people who were murdered as a result of European COLONIZATION in the Eastern United States were BLACK (COPPER-COLORED), OUR ANCESTORS. The survivors of the American Indian genocide were then stripped of their identities, culture, religion, and eventually their descendants would have no knowledge of their existence before slavery in America.

What proof can you offer?

  • After becoming the 7th Vice President of the United States of America in 1825, my (7x) great-grandfather John C. Calhoun acquired and moved into Fort Hill Plantation (formerly Clergy Hall) in Clemson, South Carolina.
    Fort Hill Plantation initially included upwards of over 1,400 acres of land, and these grounds are where Clemson University is conveniently located today.

    After several prior unfavorable encounters with American Indians (Black people) during the EUROPEAN pursuit of colonization that included murder, kidnapping, and imprisonment of the Calhoun family relatives, John C. Calhoun who was a powerful Southern politician in the confederacy had witnessed enough of what he would categorize as savagery, on behalf of the INDIANS (BLACK PEOPLE), as a result of their unrelenting fight to protect their lands.

    From this point on, my grandfather Calhoun no longer desired to live among Black people. This was primarily due to the tragic history of his family's experiences with the American Indian (Black) population. Nevertheless, Fear was the greatest factor in the decision to enslave and contain the American Indians (Black population) and remove those who were mixed with European bloodlines to the Midwest. The removal of a small minority of the ADMIXTURES INDIANS (Native Americans Mixed) was out of concern that one day they would UNITE with their HALF-COUSINS or the American Indians (Black people) and turn on the Europeans.
    This was too much of a risk for Vice President John C. Calhoun, who also understood that his home, which was nestled at the base of the Appalachian Mountains, was located squarely at the foot of Cherokee Indian country.

    After the Calhoun family and other militias had clashed with our ancestors for decades, and after understanding the history of prior events, Calhoun never felt comfortable enough to live anywhere near the vicinity of the freedmen, and therefore he originally contemplated and scripted a plan that would remove the fair-skinned European mixed bloodline of the Native American Indians to the Midwestern region of the country, and out of the lands that Euro-Americans now occupied. However, the treatment for the original people, the INDIGENOUS American Indians, was not so great, as the American Indians (Black People) were subsequently ENSLAVED.

The very inhumane plan to remove Native Americans (European Admixtures) from their homelands was a conspired right in Clemson, SC, by John C. Calhoun and later introduced as the Indian Removal Act by a tandem of South Carolina Presidents that included my grandfather Vice President John C. Calhoun and President Andrew Jackson, who had every intention of living in a whites-only society.

Can you explain the plan that transformed the American Indians into African Slaves?

The truth is, at the height of Slavery, Clemson University was like others in mainland America and never possessed African slaves. All of the enslaved in Clemson, South Carolina, and most other regions of the South included the families of those whose lands had been stolen and, subsequently, their people had been enslaved.

Despite never correcting the misinformation about the truth of the identities of Black Americans, Clemson University has continued to conceal the truth, which is stored away in the Thomas G. Clemson Library, which is closed to the public.

It is documented that the couple of African Slaves at Clemson University were some of the oldest African Slaves in American history. Meaning that these couple of African slaves at Fort Hill Plantation were in their late 90’s and approaching 100 by the time they were enslaved at Clemson University and unable to produce offspring. 

All others Enslaved in Clemson, or about 98%, were Native Americans who were captured by militias and enslaved during the pursuit of colonization in America.

Why should I care about Clemson University only having a few African Slaves and what does that have to do with Black Americans as a whole?

The inhumane and very sinister plan to transform a large Black population into a minority of African slaves based on the color of their skin tones was extremely important.

After all, the model used by a pair of South Carolina presidents would later set a precedent for how America would proceed in the future by falsely identifying Black American Indians as African slaves in order to take properties and strip away ownership from Black people.

This plan was also intended to confuse the descendants of the indigenous peoples. This evil and corrupt plan worked to perfection after the majority of our American Indian ancestors, who were born on these same soils before the Revolutionary War, had died.

Once our ancestor’s languages and cultures had been banned and forbidden, and as a result, they were unable to effectively communicate the truth regarding their origins and experiences to their children (descendants). The aforementioned former team of Presidents understood that the descendants would never be able to successfully trace their origins back to their ancestor’s past here in America.

Therefore, they intended for the descendants of the American Indians to remain lost forever, and as a result of the plan to transform, the descendants could never discover their true identities nor reclaim their ancestral homelands.

Again, the primary goal of the mission was to erase your culture and your identities.


This Thanksgiving holiday, Black Americans NATIONWIDE should join together and “Give Thanks for The Awakening” by taking the opportunity to use Holiday free time to undo the immoral wrongs of the past that were used to erase our connections to the past. While having THANKSGIVING dinner, we should speak with the elders in our family, and learn the names and stories of our ancestors that we are unfamiliar with. Then, we should research the history of our ancestry to discover the Truth that has been hidden from us. Remember, Each one of us owes it to our cause and our children. This is how we take back ownership of our true history.

This change starts with us and it shall only be effective if Black Americans (THE AMERICAN INDIANS) understand the truth.


Did you read that statement?

Do you believe that promise, now that freedom officially stands at your doorsteps after over 400 years of oppression due to colonization that has cost the Black American Indian race more than any group of people on the face of the earth’s surface?

A much a ighter future awaits.

If you truly believe GOD’S promise shall one day manifest itself into the reality that he first assured you, then start a new tradition of truth by representing the true culture that was stripped away from you by seeking your famili’s ancestry. So on this THANKSGIVING Day, start by giving Thanks for The Awakening!


Please assist me in my goal to raise awareness of perhaps the greatest generational crisis facing Black Americans by simply sharing the truth or by donating so that The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) has adequate funding in order to share a message that will empower, inspire, and motivate a nation of people who have been misinformed about the truth regarding their true identities here in America.

Please donate to one or more of our many Solutions to End Generational Obstacles faced by Black Americans, by giving a very generous gift to The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.). Your very valuable donations are extremely important to the success of all of our many missions of change.

You also have the option of giving your gift through our organization’s Cash App account by using: $MochaMission20



The Dark Side of American History Unchained! ⛓️ The True Story of Black Calhoun Explained. 🎬


WHAT IF✍🏾 it took World War 3, to officially set you free?📝