WHAT IF✍🏾 it took World War 3, to officially set you free?📝
Enoch Long, Union Private at Benton Barracks, Missouri, ca. 1863–65. Quarter-plate hand tinted tintype. Courtesy the Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC.
As the death toll continues to steadily rise, and the world hears more about the devastation and atrocities coming from Israel and Gaza, both stories of the casualties of the people, are very heartbreaking and horrific tales of terror.
Within the first few days of this battle between Hamas and Israel, the fight has been very costly to the American people, as innocent lives have been lost, due to the war. At last count, there were 27 Americans killed, while 14 are still missing.
However, at this time, I will not elaborate or dive into the reasons that Hamas and Israel are currently at war; or why the Palestinian people seek retribution for the crimes against their people on behalf of the Israeli government.
Instead, my attention today is solely focused on the reasons that Black Americans continue to allow a country that their ancestors gave all and so much more; to hurry to the aid of foreign citizens worldwide, while continuously ignoring the fact that America has never paid her debts to the people who were barbarically enslaved for hundreds of years in this country.
We’ve all heard variations of the popular quote, “It would have been much cheaper to keep her.” A very truthful statement made famous and universally understood by divorced men worldwide.
Many men, who oftentimes only realize this very costly truth after the fact of failure. It’s then they realize that it is far less expensive to mend your bonds and honor your most valuable commitments; than it is to turn your backs on the ones whose actions were responsible for making you who you are.
Commitments like Special Field Order #15!
On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15.
Instead of covering the general details about the order that infamously granted recently Black freedmen 40 acres and a mule, let’s examine a few of the important specifics of Special Field Order No. 15, that LIE outside of the basis.
The order that awarded Black Americans with over 400,000 acres of land, was issued by General William T. Sherman on January 16, 1865, and would later be rescinded by the end of that very same year.
The lands that had been momentarily confiscated as Union property after the Civil War, consisted of a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John’s River in Florida, including the entire coast of Georgia (also encompassing Georgia’s Sea Islands), and stretching through to the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. All the way down to current day, Jacksonville, Florida.
The order redistributed roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed Black families in forty-acre segments.
Tragically some of the original natives in this very same area were the actual natives and others were also the descendants of Black people who lost there lands twice in a period of less than 100 years. Below is very shocking proof from a letter from a freedman who had lost his land twice.
The passionate petition written by a freedman in response to the reversal of Special Field Order #15, by President Andrew Johnson.
The very emotional words expressed are truly felt, as they touch your soul. Notice, the soldier states in his heartfelt plea, that this was their home, and that they were also found in possession of these same lands.
Nevertheless, President Johnson, the successor of Abraham Lincoln, was more than likely influenced by the recent assassination of his predecessor, and would later overturn General Sherman's SFO 15, by the fall of 1865.
Shockingly, a few of the major obstructions that Black Americans faced for over 400 years in The United States of America; are somewhat similar to what the Palestinian people have dealt with for the past 75 years, while being oppressed by the Israeli government.
Almost 75 years ago and decades prior to the morning pill identified as the Plan B, being used as a 72 hour form of pregnancy prevention, there was a Plan D that was also used to annihilate the Palestinian people in Israel. This evil plan is responsible for the removal of nearly 1 million of Palestinian people.
WHAT IS PLAN D and how did Israel use it?
The Palestinian people were forcefully removed from their homelands and issued a tiny strip of land that looks awfully familiar to the strip of land (image shared earlier in post), that the United States of America once awarded Black Americans after the Civil War, before forcefully taking it back, as well.
The current pictures of how innocent Palestinian people are being bombed from their homes, gives me the bombing of Tulsa, Oklahoma vibes. The immoral tactic of burning of villages during the Plan D project, sounds similar to how early American history recorded colonialism efforts in the United States of America.
There is no doubt, that there are a multitude of tragedies coming from both sides, but in ignoring the truth of how this conflict ignited, and choosing to only focus on the response; would be committing the same mistakes of erasing the facts, regarding the events that have already taken place.
How is it possible for the United States Government to continue supporting the causes of other nations, while ignoring the outstanding debts that are owed to Black Americans?
Let’s revisit the popular quote that I used earlier in this post that stated, “It would have been much cheaper to keep her.”
The truth is, America divorced and deserted Black Americans long before a plan B or D was ever conspired. As a result, Black Americans have been void of a plan A, or a plan for Advancement that does not include investing in any other groups of people who have been absence in our fight for equality in America. Remember, silence is complicity.
A major reason for Black Americans slow progression, is greatly due to the fact that we have spent most of our entire existence supporting, building, and creating opportunities for other people; that we have forgotten ourselves and therefore we are not fully invested into our own Domesticated Liberties.
How is it feasible for The United States Government to take billions of your dollars and spend them on foreign aid and defense, decade after decade?
Many Black Americans are donors and give millions of dollars through philanthropy. Black people have given millions in support, each and every time that money is raised to send off to another war or to rescue another foreign country.
Meanwhile, because Black Americans have ignored they are owed and continue to invest into a system that never reciprocates; America continues to ignore that she has never paid her outstanding debt to the people who first enabled her wealth.
At the very same time, here in America, your babies are hungry, your rights are continuously violated daily, your jobs pay less, your children are still being murdered by authorities, your kids schools need upgrades, you’re still being discriminated against, and you still face an unfathomable amount of discrimination at home.
Somehow, you continue giving to people, who have shown that they can careless about remedying any wrongs that were done to you, while America continues to repeatedly repair the world’s problems, using your ancestors money.
We have got to make this make sense, and stop buying into an agenda that forces us to forget about us, especially whenever no one else has attempted to remedy Black American grievances.
It’s no secret that The United States has used Black Americans to build the country, while Black people have always served as the support system and safety net for America when major issues arise.
This is the real reason why Black Americans have experienced so much resistance and resentment, while fighting obstructions in America, and also one of the primary reasons that Black Americans have not officially been liberated in the United States.
It’s time that we build us, by making smarter decisions and doing our own research. This way we are able to avoid accepting the half truths that have been told to us.
I’ve noticed since the beginning of this Israeli /Hamas conflict, many of the American national news channels have been broadcasting countless photos that have been released from the Israeli media to the world.
I have witnessed news anchors getting extremely emotional, yet I’ve never seen them weep after showing the images of terror inflicted upon black lives in America, while telling the tales of violence that have been ruthlessly carried out on Black people each day in America.
It seems that the American news has maybe dictated a conspired agenda to the American people, and as a result of Black Americans buying into this agenda, it has in many ways, led to change for Black Americans been almost nonexistent.
Unfortunately, for America, it will eventually discover, that it was much safer and a lot less expensive to grant overdue reparations to Black Americans, than it is to fund two wars for citizens of nations, that the average American will never know.
Yet, the group of people that America first attempted to annihilate off of the face of the earth, were also enslaved by America; and as a result of Slavery, Black Americans provided The United States with enough financial wealth to rule the world.
The current events happening in the world that are indirectly connected to America, are GODS validation of a much much deeper truth which exposes the fact, that America would have been a much stronger nation, and the cost of paying reparations to those you owed first, would have been a lot less costly.
As of the last update before the release of this post, there were almost 3,000 casualties combined, with 27 Americans amongst the died (several others missing), and upwards of 150 hostages taken during the first week of this very bloody war.
While America scrambles for answers and to find someone who is capable of freeing hostages; why has no one mentioned the one man who has negotiated more successful International hostage rescues, than anyone in modern day American history?
The ICONIC, Reverend Jesse Jackson, is highly renowned and respected in the international world, for being the Great American Hostage Negotiator.
Reverend Jackson, is also responsible for freeing hostages in some of the most dangerous places in the world; including Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Cuba, just to name a few.
Any doubts on whether or not this one American hero is still capable of working his magic, and bringing his fellow Americans home; then consider the fact that Harriet Tubman, another overlooked Black American Hero, did the impossible, as her heroic actions during the Civil War freed 700 Enslaved people, in the single greatest military mission in American history, at the Combahee River, in South Carolina.
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