👩🏽‍⚖️ If Trump 👩🏽‍⚖️ hid documents, and you’re hiding American History, what’s the difference❓

A thorough and in depth study into the history of South Carolina, one would discover that some of the most notable events from early American history, have transpired within the borders of the Palmetto State.

South Carolina, a state that is enriched with a multitude of historical relevance in regards to United States history, is the home to an abundance of very notable happenings that were responsible for transforming early American civilization. Surprisingly, the state of South Carolina had played a very vital role in American history long before the first official shots of the Civil War were fired in the Charleston Harbor in 1861.

A state with so many historical treasures, one would never guess that the greatest gems in South Carolina are actually hidden from history by those guilty of misusing their political power to silence the truth.

In some cases, those who have been afforded the opportunity to govern the state have disappointingly let down the people they were elected to serve, by using a “hide and divide” strategy to control the people of the state. Leadership understands that if you keep secrets hidden, it creates division among the people, just as long as you have one group that understands the truth and wants it to be acknowledged and another group who fights to keep the truth from being exposed .

Ultimately, leadership in South Carolina has been responsible for hiding historical hints of the past from the public. There are countless Impactful stories that have been buried, which possess the power to influence and change society.

Another example of lost or overlooked history in the state of South Carolina, is the triumphant history of Harriet Tubman. The real modern day, unknown story of Moses, took place in the South Carolina. While sketches of Harriet Tubman’s face were posted on wanted signs throughout multiple states for her many pursuits to free the enslave through the Underground Railroad, most Americans are unaware; during this same time, Mrs. Tubman worked as an American spy, while living in the state of South Carolina, posing as a Union Army nurse.

For two years, Harriet Tubman lived in South Carolina, during the Civil War, During this time she masterminded her greatest rescue mission that would be responsible for freeing 700 of the enslaved, during the Combahee River Raid, on June 2, 1863.

Over a year ago, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.), moved forward with a impactful modern-day recommendation to remember the heroics of Harriet Tubman at the Combahee, by writing a proposal that would rename the actual area in which the Combahee River Raid occurred, to Harriet’s River, SC. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation believes that the action of renaming the area in which Harriet Tubman freed 700 of the enslaved at the Combahee is only fitting; considering many of the cities, counties, and landmarks in South Carolina are already named after several Confederate figures who either conquered or lived in the areas that are named after them. How could the greatest and most successful military mission in American history not exist in SC schools and therefore is nonexistent in the studies of students nationwide?

Black Americans’ true history in South Carolina offers the most incredible stories that aren’t just restricted to tales of ordinary people doing good things, but the real history is extraordinary people achieving greatness that is oftentimes overlooked and suppressed by those with political and economic power.

Perhaps one of the most undisclosed and covered up secrets in the history of South Carolina, actually involves the concealed history of a Native American Black Child that was fathered due to rape, by the 7th Vice President of the United States, John C. Calhoun.

My great grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree (born Calhoun), was the daughter of the former Vice President and one of most influential politicians in American history, John Caldwell Calhoun. Just as the knowledge of a secret child was initially hidden in the Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings situation, the story of John C. Calhoun and a young enslaved Cherokee girl named Martha Liza Lee was just as concealed.

After I successfully uncovered this American secret and discovered that I am a descendent of former Vice President Calhoun, several people in positions of power have worked to silence my grandmother’s truth at Clemson University.

So when I first read the headlining statement regarding erasing and hiding things, by GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, I was appalled. It was totally surprising to me that Mrs. Haley made these statements, considering the fact that she sits on the Board of Trustees at Clemson University, in South Carolina and has allowed the history of my grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree, to remain unaddressed.

As a result, this obstruction had caused an unrecognized truth to become erased from American history.

This is despite all of the efforts to honor, recognize, and acknowledge the true history of a formerly enslaved black woman, who was indeed the daughter of VP John C. Calhoun.

At the time, during my FOX News interview (below) at Clemson University, I hadn’t yet discovered the truth regarding my family’s connection to the Calhoun family, other than the fact that the Calhoun’s were my ancestors Slaveholders.

Keep in mind while viewing this powerful interview, that Clemson University has not attempted to work with The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation, nor have they ever assisted our organization in any way.


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The sad truth is, I had conducted several interviews with respected journalists in the state of South Carolina and no one informed me of the truth about my family’s connection to John C. Calhoun.

Looking back, I now have reason to believe that some of those interviews were only requested with intentions of learning how much real information I possessed, in regards to the knowledge of my great grandfather, John C. Calhoun.

Picture Above is interview with South Carolina Educational Television (ETV).

“I would love to have the privilege of asking GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, “what is the difference between Ron DeSantis banning truth, Donald Trump hiding documents, and her allowing American history to be erased at Clemson?””
— Andrew Peppers

In September 2020, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.), wrote a proposal to the Clemson, SC City Council, with a recommendation of naming an unnamed bridge after a formerly enslaved African American woman that had previously been acknowledged by Clemson University publications, as one of the very first to be enslaved at John C. Calhoun’s Fort Hill Plantation in Clemson, SC. Despite receiving a unanimous vote from the decision makers of the city council, no actions have been taken to move forward with the official naming of the bridge by the city of Clemson.

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How deep is the oppression in South Carolina?

In a conservative and traditional minded South Carolina, Black Americans dare to speak a truth that is contradicting to a illusionary perfect narrative that has been painted by society. A discriminatory expectation that keeps Black Americans in check, smiling and silent regarding the obstructions that are being caused due to racism.

It can be very risky for Black Americans seeking and speaking the truth in South Carolina. You must be willing to put your freedom, future, and even your life on the line at all times. Many times, the penalties that are applied to those courageous enough to express their grievances with the system are severe and accompanied with corrupt consequences.

Unfortunately, the reporting of a significant achievement involving a black man on a mission to end Generational Obstacles faced by Black Americans, possibly cost a bold and extremely talented, storytelling news reporter her job. The young reporter was potentially fired due to the news interviews that she covered featuring, The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation.

The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation is forever thankful for the tremendous courage, sacrifice, and support added by the former FOX News reporter.

After all, it was her contributions to the people through her consistent reporting of the truth, that initially inspired me, and eventually lead to the unearthing of a century’s old, deeply rooted American secret.

“Because The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation has proven to be capable of creating meaningful change in a society that is unwelcoming to the inclusion and the advancements of all people, an old Jim Crow system of bigotry refuses to move forward, and as a result, excludes my organization from actively participating in the much needed additions to the nation. At the same time; it endorses, promotes, and sponsors organizations that have recycled an outdated blueprint of restoration for Black Americans. This is the same blueprint that was originated by those who intentionally inflicted their oppressive values and views on a group of people, in order to suppress their progression, leaving Black Americans stuck and stagnant. And this is why meaningful change has been minimal to nonexistent for Black Americans. ”
— Andrew Peppers

The unbelievable amount of adversity that I’ve faced since establishing a nonprofit organization with the objective of discovering solutions to end Generational Obstacles faced by Black Americans has been unimaginable. In attempts to manipulate the people, I have witnessed oppression purposely overlook the monumental achievements of my organization, while celebrating the success of those who initiate less meaningful contributions to society. Oppression will seek and find individuals of color with a similar, but compromising mission, only to validate the character of one’s with traditional methods of remedy before the public. Meanwhile, oppression purposely deprives those who are capable of creating effective change of the adequate opportunities, resources, and support. I’ve watched Oppression aid and fund individuals close to me, for no other reason than to try and overshadow the accomplishments of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation.

In Closing….

In a record amount of time, of only 36 months, since its founding, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) my organization has achieved unprecedented success in our quest to find solutions to end Generational Obstacles faced by Black Americans. Most notably we thought of a solution that would create inspirational change by successfully naming a bridge that rises above a public highway, in honor of a formerly enslaved African American woman.

Unfortunately, All of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundations efforts to add to society have been blocked by oppression. Please understand that Oppression is using an old similar strategy that was already successfully used to hide the true history of my grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree, in regards to her being the daughter of Vice President John C. Calhoun. Currently, this same plan is being enacted against The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation, in order to erase our historical achievements and meaningful contributions to society. This is being done by the very same institution that derived from slavery. The very same institution at Clemson University, is already responsible for hiding American history. These same group of people will deceive you by adding support to any traditional Black community cause, just to say that they weren’t overlooking the Black community. Meanwhile, the change that the Clemson Community has supported, hasn’t proven to be beneficial interest.

“Despite naming a public bridge after a formerly enslaved African American woman that Clemson University Publications had already written about, writing 2 books, writing 70 plus Solutions to end generational obstacles faced by Black Americans, incorporating a school, incorporating a House of Motivation & Encouragement, and after unearthing a hidden American secret that involved my great grandmother being the daughter of VP John C. Calhoun at Clemson; the city of Clemson, Clemson University, or any other entity in SC has never once attempted to genuinely recognize The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation’s efforts, nor have any of the above mentioned, ever assisted my organization in any way. This is how oppression addresses truth. You starve it, discredit it, and ignore it.”
— Andrew Peppers

Since discovering the truth regarding my family’s relationship with the Calhoun family at Clemson, I have unsuccessfully attempted several times to speak to the Clemson University board of trustees and other political officials in the Clemson, SC community in private. Unfortunately, because my grandmothers story is an old hidden secret, it is completely useless to Clemson University; now that I discovered the true history of my family.

The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) has been significantly affected by the unjust actions aimed against our organization after uncovering a American secret. If you would like to contribute to the many solutions to end generational obstacles faced by Black Americans that have already been implemented, discovered, and forthcoming PLEASE add support by donating below through our organization’s secured website. You can also add your donation through our organization’s Cash App by using: $MochaMission20

100% of your Donations will be applied to our many missions of change.


🤳🏾 The Stand In Solution will one day, be just as Effective as the Sit In Movement was.🪑


đź“–BRAVERY IN THE FACE OF SLAVERY: The Triumphant Testament of One, The Chosen Son.đź“ś