My Grandmother was the Daughter of U.S. Vice President, John C. Calhoun, but the state of SOUTH CAROLINA👎🏿 & CLEMSON🐯 withheld American History.
Surprisingly, there is an abundance of hidden pre-Revolutionary history that has been concealed by the state of South Carolina. Many well-hidden influential accounts that most are unaware of. Due to the unveiling of this breath-taking information, history now demands the United States of America to rewrite early American history beginning with the inclusion of the facts.
Over the past 20 months, after successfully discovering a historical way to honor my great grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree (born Nancy Calhoun), I have been unfairly subjected to a racist society in South Carolina that is deeply engulfed in the flames of fascism.
On October 19, 2020, the Clemson City Council collaboratively reached a unanimous decision agreeing to the writings of the LEGREE Resolution, which would commemorate the memory of Nancy Washington Legree, by naming an unnamed bridge in one of Clemson’s first African-American Communities outside of Fort Hill Plantation after a woman who was unconstitutionally held captive for over 50 years past the Civil War in Clemson, South Carolina.
Nancy Washington Legree, a formerly enslaved African-American woman whose history had been selected and publicly featured by both Clemson University media outlets and storytellers alike for decades now. My grandmother Nancy’s story had been passed down, told, and sold by Clemson publications for enormous profit. However, just like the free forced labor that was taken from my ancestors of the past at Clemson, my family has never received a penny from the massive revenue generated by our stories.
Shockingly, there weren’t any citizens in the city of Clemson, South Carolina; nor were there any Clemson University students, faculty, or staff that had a presented plan of any sort that would honor any of the citizens in Clemson’s History, as of 10/19/20. Despite these known facts, Clemson University affiliates continued to manipulate the minds of the media and those who were unfamiliar with Clemson’s deep history of racism and White Supremacism.
Conspiracy, Collusion, and Carolina Corruption.
During my many public battles with an outdated mindset of the confederacy in the state of South Carolina, unsurprisingly no one was willing to step forward and be honest about my family’s true history. No one was willing to provide clarity regarding the unwarranted resistance I’ve faced for my many efforts of positive change for all people. Several times, I've felt unwelcomed and treated as if my provided solutions somehow threaten the political structure of the entire state.
Often, I think of how immorally disgraceful and shamefully disappointing leadership in South Carolina has been, considering many of the South Carolina mayors, senators, council members, University Boards of Trustees, media outlets, news reporters, and multiple respected historians; intentionally neglected to reveal to me, that my grandmother, Nancy Washington Legree, was the daughter of 7th Vice President, John C. Calhoun.
Unlike many of the highly celebrated stories of White-Patriotism that are openly honored and displayed throughout the state of South Carolina, the most extraordinary contributions from dark-skin ethnic groups such as Native-Americans, enslaved Africans, and early Indigenous settlements of Brown & Black people, have been deceptively hidden from the public for centuries in the state.
As a result, these influential figures and incredible tales, have been missing from the true story of American History.
A plethora of Historical stories demand America to reintroduce hidden truths, that are capable of healing a traditional minded, racially divided America. There are enormous stories that have been buried for hundreds of centuries, that lay on the shores of South Carolina, and these stories need to be unearthed/revealed for the purpose of advancements of All Americans.
The pre-revolutionary tales of triumph of the Indigenous people, undoubtedly verify the pre-European existence of Black people in the state of South Carolina. These stories date back several hundred years before the landing of the Pilgrims on the grounds of what would later become the United States of America. These unknown and erased truths are capable of breathing much-needed inspiration into the lungs of African-American youths.
An extremely Undisclosed secret of early American history that supports the presence of Indigenous people (aka Black People), in the state of South Carolina, prior to the arrival of the French, Spanish, and European explorers, is safely located and protected on Parris Island, South Carolina.
Santa Elena and other nearby structures are often-times referred to as Fort San Marcos, Fort San Felipe, and several of these areas due to their importance to history, are designated as National Historic Landmarks. Predictably, these areas of historic American Importance are only accessible through the United States Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Port Royal, South Carolina.
With that being said, many of the early pre-American Revoluntary forts were constructed as large police compounds and large military bases that were built to add safety assurance, along with “peace of mind,” to early settlers who chose to occupy foreign grounds. It is important to note, that the lands outside of the immediate surrounding areas of the majority of early forts, had yet to be completely conquered by settlers. Many settlers that had intentions of establishing colonies.
There is a numerous amount of misleading information regarding early American history that has been traditionally accepted as fact, and therefore these wrong teachings have been absent of the rebuttals from a proud American society that has willfully accepted and recognized fabricated myths of early American achievement that are disturbingly unfounded.
Just as you know, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) has begun on a huge mission to repair some of the nearly irreparable damages that were inhumanely planned, administered, and enforced against Black People in America.
It is necessary that Black Americans began to focus on solving our generational struggles in America, in order to bring an end to generational cycles. In order to obtain victory and overcome centuries of intentional oppression, we are now required to conduct our own research and use our brains to think wisely. Black Americans must began to acknowledge and embrace the cultural skills, remedies, and incredible work ethics, that were passed down to our parents from their elders. The many valuable practices that some of us were fortunate enough to have witnessed as a kid, have been removed from society, by those whose intentions were to erase valuable knowledge that was once responsible for helping the colonizers survive their early years in a New World. This is why our grandparents taught our parents to plant, grow, and harvest their own gardens, filled with vegetables and fruit. The majority of your ancestors in the Upstate of South Carolina weren’t teaching your parents to harvest cotton or to cultivate rice, because this wasn’t their initial culture of the area in Northwest South Carolina. However, the majority of your ancestors successfully passed on priceless lessons of agriculture, along with precise unwritten instructions that enabled them to prepare efficient meals once crops were ripe and harvested. It was our Native American ancestors who showed us irreplaceable techniques such as shucking corn and peeling beans. However, in today’s world, that priceless knowledge isn’t” worth a hill of beans” to a lost Black American society, that has totally disconnected from its Native American roots.
Your Answer can be found within the question above. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, was the final major blow to the culture, heritage, and any traces of the origin of the Native Americans in the South. The Indian Removal Act, enforced by President Andrew Jackson ( born in Waxhaws region South Carolina) and Vice President, John C. Calhoun (born in Abbeville, South Carolina), made it illegal for Native Americans to embrace their own cultures and traditions without being punished. Interestingly, the Native Americans who stayed in their homelands and refused to accept the terms of Indian Removal from their Native lands to points West of the Mississippi River, eventually compromised by removing all things that were identical to their Native American cultures and heritages from their everyday lives. United States history tells us, over 100,000 Native Americans were removed from their homes during the terrifying, “Trail of Tears”.
An overlooked statistic that no one wants to address, is the fact, that there were estimates of over 100 million Native Americans living in the Americas before European contact. It is my belief that these numbers were greatly manipulated by reducing the reported number of Native Americans that once occupied their homelands; while tremendously overexaggerating the amount of enslaved Africans who were forced to come to America.
This evil plan was a result of a conspired strategy by a pair of U.S. Presidents from South Carolina. The plan was fixated for the purposes of stripping the identities of the Natives of this country, who were of Dark-Skin tone and labeled by many unconventional names in order to keep the Indigenous people of this country confused and searching towards the shores of Africa for an identity. This is despite only a marginal percentage of the Black American population in the U.S. that are direct descendants of African Nations. Actually, it was the discovery of “Gold” on Cherokee lands that first inspired the idea of converting the identities of the true natives of America, over to the profiles of those brought in by slave ships from Africa. This immoral reasoning has led to Indigenous People in America, having been falsely labeled by several different ethnicities in a short span; such as Slaves, Negroes, Coloreds, Blacks, African-Americans, and other offensive terms. After all, this immoral idea was created by several individuals in South Carolina and later endorsed by America. This plan was constructed in order to lose and confuse you; meanwhile, the one man whose intentions to conquer lands by way of stealing and looting has never changed his privileged identity.
But How? Can you provide an Example?
According to the United States Census Report below, the stated county location of my family in 1920, was Oconee. The Township or other Division of County is identified as SENECA TOWN!
Ironically, this is the location of which a large portion of Clemson University athletics currently uses as Football, Baseball, and Basketball facilities. Just as you see, my family still owned property on the grounds of Clemson University (former Clemson College) in the 1920s. It was greatly due to the expanded construction of Clemson University, that countless acres of land owned by my family were taken and an entire town of Esseneca vanished.
How Could an entire city disappear?
An absurd explanation that has been surprisingly accepted by locals for over a century now, is that Fort Rutledge and the original town of Seneca were washed away with the construction of the man-made, Lake Hartwell. The truth is, Clemson University currently sits atop thousands of Native American burials; as the founders of the University potentially saw these lands as conquered grounds of the Confederacy. The early battlegrounds of Native Americans and Patriots alike were severely disturbed by the construction of Death Valley’s Memorial Stadium and later destroyed by the development of several Clemson University athletic facilities. Again, the town of Seneca was moved miles west and much further into Oconee County, while the town of Calhoun which would later become Clemson, SC, would be incorporated at the original location where the town of Seneca once existed. I have no doubt that Woodland Cemetery, is indeed the resting place of potentially thousands of the pre-revolutionary Native Americans. Americans who have rarely been mentioned in the storied history of Clemson University.
There are multiple unaddressed and controversial people of interest that are unknowingly celebrated within the state of South Carolina daily. South Carolina is home to many counties, towns, roads, and points of interest are represented by those whose ultimate intentions were to divide and conquer all lands along their paths. Such is the case of the highly celebrated and publicly displayed racist, Joel Poinsett, who according to historian reports, was responsible for the removal of over 40,000 Native Americans from their homelands during the Trail of Tears.
I will allow you to judge Joel Poinsett by his own words posted below.
These are the extremely discriminatory words of a prejudiced man that is widely celebrated in the county and the city of Greenville, South Carolina, with a Poinsett Hotel, Poinsett Club, Poinsett Highway, Poinsett Street, and even a Poinsett Bridge.
There is no doubt that the Upstate of South Carolina is still inundated with a proud Confederate minded group of immigrated citizens, who feel entitled to dictate the doctrine of a Confederate Culture that once failed to take over America, at a time when our country was its weakest. GOD said, their games are done and it really doesn’t matter who they assassinate or murder; its time to make amends.
👇🏿Important Info below👇🏿
The New York Times Report.
My family’s history is very diverse, consisting of a United States Vice President, several Governors, multiple United States Senators, Native American sovereignty, Revolutionary leaders, Prophets, Visionaries, Teachers, Preachers, and those whose hard labor were responsible for every bit of the greatness of the University of Clemson.