👩🏿‍🌾👨🏿‍🌾The Greatest American Cover-Up🤰🏿 in the confederate history📝 of the United States🕵🏿‍♂️

Official Photo of a Slave Patrol, Police Officer’s badge in GEORGETOWN SOUTH CAROLINA (1858).

American history tells us that the primary weaponry that was strategically used against the Native Americans when European Colonization initially reached North America was manipulation and trickery.

The official count rendered by the United States Government regarding the official number of Native Americans isn’t indicative to account for the accurate number of Native Americans that were already present on the lands of the current day United States of America.

Although less than 8% of Africans were brought to America as a result of the slave trade, the Native American Aboriginal People were the majority among the African Slaves in the late 1800s, in Upstate South Carolina.

The African Americans and the Natives of America alike possessed a similar trait of a dark-skin tone that made it extremely challenging to distinguish between the two ethnicities of people, which made challenges difficult for almost anyone outside of these two ethnic groups to distinguish the differences between the two ethnicities of people.

The First Wonder of The United States?

Many have wondered why the battle is still ongoing for a Black man who has already endured more documented oppression, racism, and inhumane treatment at every level of local, state, and federal Government, than any man in American History.

The majority of my battles have been greatly due to the intentional obstructions by the state of South Carolina to withhold, neglect, and distract its citizens from the facts, all while denying the truth. However, that has failed to satisfy the curiosity of many who still wonder, why would an entire state be so unwilling to be inclusive to one particular Black man. An outspoken African American man who has successfully provided well over 50 Solutions to end generational Obstacles faced by Black People in America. A Black man who has provided countless ideas that are capable of bettering an American society that has been void of meaningful solutions. Nevertheless, many outside of the Palmetto State remain puzzled and uninformed.

The Truth that REWRITES American History.

NOTE: I was preparing to write a Beautiful story that had a great beginning, middle, and end; however I was unable to hold the truth any longer. Please forgive me, because this is an unedited truth. I only hope that you will excuse my many emotions and come back to visit themochamission.org soon.

After successfully discovering a way to honor my Grandmother (x) Nancy Washington Legree, by way of naming an unnamed Pedestrian bridge in honor of her and receiving a unanimous decision by the Clemson City Council in Clemson, SC, I have been treated unfairly by those in government. It is important to note that despite Clemson City Council voting in favor of naming the unnamed bridge after a formerly enslaved woman, the Legree Resolution which would have officially named the bridge, has yet to be honored. My grandmother Nancy Washington Legree, who had been the picture of Slavery that would later become the story of servitude at Clemson University; had been ignored and there was no major progress or plans in the African American Community to honor anyone whenever The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation had presented the proposal to name the bridge.

Local governments and all others in political positions of authority ignored my accomplishment, despite there only being a little under a dozen landmarks (at the time) in the state of South Carolina that publicly honored the remembrance of an African American. However, I remained locked into an unnecessary conspired battle of hate from the state of South Carolina during the past 18 months. No one was willing to help me. No one was willing to run my stories and follow up despite the much-documented proof that I presented of my grandmother's struggles while being enslaved. Amazingly, I withstood it all while never once swaying from the promise that God had already shown and assured me of.


The DESCENDANTS of NANCY WASHINGTON LEGREE, represent the Hierarchy of the Southern Native American Cherokee Tribe, which were once centrally located in the areas of Woodland Cemetry, Death Valley Stadium, and all lands/grounds surrounding these two locations on the Clemson University Campus.

The grounds of Woodland Cemetery where two structures initially stood on a Native American Reservation atop Cemetery Hill, were allegedly overseen by my grandmother Nancy Washington Legree. These homes were virtually unknown and unidentified and therefore would have been erased from history, had it not been for my mother pointing out the location in which my grandmother Mary (her mom), had shown her at an early age.

My grandmother Mary pointed out to my mom exactly where she and her family lived as a kid, which is the direct vicinity compassing the areas of of Death Valley stadium and Woodland Cemetery.

My family would later be forced off of the lands that my ancestors had called home for hundreds of years before Columbus had ever reached the Caribbean. Clemson University professors and historians pretended as if they were unaware of the existence of my grandmother’s properties atop Cemetery Hill, while playing an inhumane game with my family of, “I will only reveal, what you can successfully discover, and until then; I will deny, lie, and divide.”

The erased story of Fort Rutledge. The forgotten Fort.

Somehow, I have found the strength to maintain, despite structuring my life around understanding and dealing with the mentally draining generational oppressions of being a Black man in a confederate South.

A Jim Crow system that has been consistent in discovering strategic methods that have been conspired to benefit the wealthy, and take from the poor.

A system that refuses to change, but one that has no shame in mentioning GODS name, all while this same system devours you in the process.

This same system that many have conformed to in Upstate South Carolina is guilty of instilling copious amounts of oppression on its people that have been responsible for crippling most communities of color.

It has been extremely difficult to create efficient progress despite fighting an unfair war against the court system, city leadership, and the entire state government of South Carolina.

Nevertheless, I understood that the many obstacles that stood before me, must be overcome, in order to make much needed contributions in a state that is still deeply embedded and filled with confederate corruption.

Built in 1776, Fort Rutledge, was located on the grounds that Clemson University football’s multi million dollar training facility now stands.

Near the entrance of Clemson University’s Multimillion dollar football training facility.

While my family and other locals were trying their luck, fishing on the river banks surrounding the Clemson Multimillion-dollar football training complex, my siblings and I were like many other kids who tagged along with their parents to fish. Oftentimes, my siblings and I found interesting ways to entertain ourselves until the day was done.

However, one of the most enjoyable forms of entertainment that my siblings and I utilized for entertainment while waiting on our parents, was the extremely challenging task of climbing to the top of the mysterious lookout towers that once stood on the same grounds in which the Clemson University football practice facility stands today.

The rare 50-100-foot lookout towers were creatively crafted, along with the construction of one of the first pre-Revolutionary forts in American History, Fort Rutledge.

Despite climbing what seemed to be hundreds of steps during our journeys to the top of each lookout tower, the gigantic structure with several flights of stairways, were successfully conquered by my siblings and me, a few times a few each fishing trip.

Although It may be hard to imagine today, many children played on these historical structures that were built by the South Carolina militia in 1776. The towers were constructed to help defend and protect the white population of the Clemson area against the threats of the Cherokee.

Fort Rutledge was more like a military base that was also used by the militiamen, during times of forced Cherokee removal. At times, I can remember playing all day long, or at least until the bees chased us away from the wooden structures. We had this same routine for years without the knowledge or understanding, that the steps that we were taking as young kids, were constructed and used to shoot down our Native American Cherokee Ancestors, at nearby Death Valley.

Many Americans are uninformed that Clemson University started as an all-male Military School in 1893, with an enrollment of 446 cadets. It is my belief, that the founders of Clemson University established the school, based upon the same objectives and principles as those who founded the Citadel University in Charleston, SC. Both Military Schools were created to defend white South Carolinians against the possible uprisings of slaves and Indians. It seems that Clemson once believed that it had its own state confederate army, with the citadel to the south (coast), and Clemson in the North (inland).
— Andrew Peppers

photo courtesy of Clemson.edu

The acknowledgment of the Victory was achieved by The Cherokee and loyalists in 1780, in which Fort Rutledge was defeated and overtaken.

Erected in 1776, Fort Rutledge was given its name by Patriot troops, who also named it in honor of the president of the South Carolina colony, John Rutledge. This historic Revolutionary War Era fort was constructed in 1776 and later abandoned in 1778 due to defeat at the hands of the Cherokee Indians and Loyalists. Initially located on the campus of what is now Clemson University, Fort Ruthledge was built by Colonel Andrew Williamson (commanding officer in the South Carolina backcountry militia). This forgotten fort was constructed in response to hostile Cherokee attacks, which were many times instigated by colonists. One of the earliest American forts, Fort Ruthledge, predates the American Revolutionary War. However, so do my ancestors’ lands, along with perhaps 250 years of documentation that was discovered beneath the surface of my ancestor's property at Woodland Cemetery (Death Valley Stadium). This very valuable History, along with countless acres of land, was stolen from my ancestors, by the founders of Clemson University.

The family of Nancy Washington Legree were once Leaders of the final resisting force of the proud, perseverance, and triumphant Cherokee Tribe, who first defended their native grounds in the valley over 100 plus years before Clemson University would ever stamp the stolen lands with a fantasy tiger paw.
— Andrew Peppers

Clemson University has unconstitutionally worked to conceal the truth from America regarding the historical events that happened on the campus of Clemson University. My truth is confirmation of the unwritten evil divisive plan of the DNA (Declassification of Native Americans) Act in America.

This deceptive plan of the colonization of Native American lands by the settlers was responsible for an evil-genius idea of transforming the majority of Native Americans that remained in the Southeastern United States, after the Indian Removal Act, into the All-American Negro, for the purposes of destroying Native American history, culture, and pride. There was also a much greater purpose of ensuring that there were no written records of the hundreds of thousands of Native American victims of stolen identity; in efforts to prevent Natives and others from being able to trace their beginnings.

Surprisingly, there are millions of Americans whose true nationality is Native American; yet the forbidden continuation of the Native American culture was initially banned once land and profit became the primary goals of early American colonization efforts. This immoral idea wasn’t American-made. This evil plan was devised, in South Carolina ( the heart of the Confederacy) to destroy the Original Natives of America. This was done by categorizing the Natives of this country into the same category as the few, in comparison, who were forcefully brought from the shores of Africa. This was done so that the Natives and Africans alike, would be forced to choose between the two cultures, and due to the highlighted struggles of African Americans that are purposely celebrated in America, the Native Americans’ stories of Triumph are ignored, and therefore our kids have been left uninspired.

Why is it so difficult for Clemson University and the state of South Carolina to admit that the direct family of Nancy Washington Legrees’, Cherokee Nation, First successfully defended the very same valley that Clemson University football tigers have called home since 1942? And also, Death Valley Stadium sits atop hundreds of acres of stolen Cherokee lands.
— Andrew (grandson of American Revolutionary, Nancy W. Legree)

My family’s newly discovered pre-Revolutionary history at the grounds of Clemson University predates Fort Rutledge and the later establishment of Clergy Hall. Fort Hill Plantation and the arrival of John C. Calhoun to Northwestern Cherokee lands, came hundreds of years after my Native American Ancestors first lived peacefully in the foothills of Upstate South Carolina.

My grandmother Mary’s Aunt and her mother Dessie Legree’s sister, Viola Williams, was unmistakably Native American, yet unconstitutionally classified as a mulatto at Clemson University (formerly Clemson College). MY AUNT VIOLA WILLIAMS IS THE SAME WOMAN THAT GAVE INTERVIEWS TO CLEMSON UNIVERSITY, IN THE 1980s, thoroughly telling the stories of my family’s history of slavery at Fort Hill Plantation in Clemson, SC. Viola Williams’ mother, Mary Legree, was born abt 1885 enslaved at Clemson University.

My aunt Viola Williams, who was unmistakably Cherokee Indian, but, unfairly classified as a mulatto at Clemson University. Viola was somewhat privileged and allowed to work inside the college laboratories, while her mother and other family members of darker skin completions, were restricted to the use of backdoor entrances as their only form of entry into Fort Hill Plantation. My Aunt Viola Williams expressed priceless hours of my family’s documented experiences at Clemson University to University publications nearly half a century ago. Clemson has known all along that my family was represented by Native American Revolutionaries. Clemson University first understood that the revelation of my facts exposes the real truths of a well-kept American secret. My story is capable of destroying the many myths of the white settlers being the first to reach America. My story not only changes South Carolina’s history, but it demands amendments to the true story of American history.

(Above) My aunt Viola’s name is all throughout this interview conducted decades ago at Clemson University. This explains why my family’s “safe” portion of our history was published decades ago, yet our true history had been omitted.

The inhumane modern-day savagery that has been displayed by a system of Confederacy in South Carolina, that secretly desires to inflict damages on its African American citizens is unacceptable in 2022.

This same system has simultaneously suppressed the opportunities of the poor, while ensuring those doing the oppressing, successfully maintain a continued opportunity of profiting from the transgressions of the people that have generationally suffered the greatest. The state of South Carolina has many times enforced immoral methods of over-punishment to the state’s Black population, in an attempt to obstruct and deny, both education and opportunity to people of color.

Clemson University (formerly Clemson College) in South Carolina first set the standards of educational achievement for the state of South Carolina, and later continued using catchy phrases such as, “Best is the Standard,” yet, I question how students in South Carolina can compete nationally; after results have proven that students in the state are being restricted from learning the truth.
— Andrew Peppers

A question that everyone should be asking; while making the unconscious, and somewhat irresponsible decision of enrolling their children into South Carolina schools is, "why are there so many historical events, with major relevance to the factual accounts of the beginnings of America, being withheld from the rest of the country?" Many monumental events that occurred in South Carolina are absent from the history of America, and that is a disservice to education. Huge stories that would change the story of this country are being withheld in South Carolina by a secret society of the very first separatists in American History. The answer can be found in the political powerhouse that South Carolina and the Calhoun family (my Ancestors) once represented in the state of South Carolina. Despite the political prominence of the Calhoun Family, The Native American Cherokee had already established a government in South Carolina, long before the Calhouns ever settled in South Carolina from the state of Virginia.

How unbelievable, Clemson University refused to offer scholarships to the descendants of those their founders had known to have enslaved, yet because their Cemetery markers are all absent in reference to The Battle of Esseneca Town, in which many Cherokees are unaccounted for, and lost their lives. Clemson University can manipulate the narrative and later multiply their deceptive plot, but there is no way convicted laborers and the enslaved made up the horrifying and heartbreaking numbers of unidentified graves at Woodland Cemetery when researchers were restricted to certain zones and ultimately forced to stop their work. These were the final resting places of the Cherokee, along with a school and a church on the grounds of Woodland cemetery.
— Andrew Peppers

The Calhouns would later acquire Fort Hill Plantation, in the mid-1830s in Clemson, South Carolina. However, the Calhoun family weren’t just any residents occupying the lavish Fort Hill Estate. John C. Calhoun had served two terms under two different presidents, as the 7th Vice President of the United States of America. Calhoun’s last elected term as VP was served under President Andrew Jackson. The enormous amount of political power in the Calhoun family made it extremely easy in erasing the history of one of the greatest resisting Native American Warriors in American History, The Cherokee Indian Tribe.

Calhoun, the 7th Vice President, would have every resource and reason to erase the storied history of the Cherokee Indians after suffering so many heart-breaking losses during the numerous battles between White settlers and several Native American tribes; during the quest for American Colonization. This information was first concealed at Clemson University, where so much unrevealed history remains to be discovered and unearthed. Clemson College (now Clemson University) in South Carolina first set the standards of educational achievement for the state of South Carolina, by loosely using terms such as “Best is the Standard,” yet, I question how can students in South Carolina, compete with the rest, when they are learning so much less?

This is why the latest National Public Education statistics have reflected the results of states such as South Carolina and others of the (former) confederacy being among the worst in the nation at properly educating their state’s school systems. One publication listed South Carolina as home to almost half of the 100 worst public schools in America.

How is it remotely possible that an entire state public school system that has a traditional history of denying basic education along with many other civil liberties to its African American citizens, failing so atrociously? The answer isn’t as complex as one may think.

Since the end of the Civil War, in the South, there has been a focus on celebrating the leadership of the confederacy that ultimately lost the Civil War. After the war, there was a conspired effort to ensure Civil War Separatists be remembered and/or celebrated for centuries to come by placing memorials, statues, and monuments in just about all areas of public view in the South. At the same time, all history that was unfavorable to the teachings that honored the Confederacy in the South was banned on bookshelves, through laws that were already in place throughout most southern states’ legislators during this period.

These unconstitutional laws were written and in place despite Black people not being allowed to vote at the time that these unjust provisions were made.

Due to the loser’s side of the story being constantly retold and the winner’s account being left unheard, those who are still bitter after over 100 years, regarding the results of the war are unfortunately able to control the early Narrative of America, by creating a false portrayal of the actual events.

The educational stats for South Carolina are a reflection of the results of omitting factual occurrences along the way, which has allowed public school systems over time to develop a pattern that neglects history by segregating the minds of students from the truth.

As in the mysterious case of Dathie Haines, a young Cherokee girl who was supposedly taken in the mid to late1840s, from the woods of North Georgia.

Dathie was then taken and sold into slavery in Louisville, Georgia, all before she reached the age of six. The inhumane legend told by those who captured, enslaved, and later sold Dathie, was that the Indian girl had a brother who had gotten away during the kidnapping of Dathie Haines. It is possible that what was thought of as Dathies’ sister, could have easily been mistaken for a boy, with any additional headgear or wrap.

My grandmother Dessie Legree Martin (abt 1898), was also Native American Cherokee. It is believed that she is a descendant of Dathie Haines, before Daithie was taken from the area and sold into slavery in nearby Georgia.

Dessie Legree Martin, Native American Cherokee. Born enslaved at Clemson University (formerly Clemson College).

Dathie Haines, had 4 children by her holder and was cheated out of 600 acres of land after slavery. My Ancestors also lost hundreds of acres of farmland, some of their homes, and historical sites, because of the expansion of Clemson University.
— Andrew Peppers

A quick theory.

If the family of Thomas Green Clemson was responsible for the kidnapping of a 6-year-old Cherokee, Dathie Haines, from the heart of Cherokee Land; then Dathie most likely would not have been able to stay in the area, where she would be expected to be held captive by the Calhouns at Fort Hill Plantation. Nevertheless, in 1843, Thomas Green Clemson had recently purchased a Plantation in Edgefield, SC, and named it, Canebrake. However, the Cherokee also knew about this new location, as they had frequented this area for centuries prior. The safest option for the Calhouns would have been to sell Dathie away from her family and into the enslavement of another wealthy owner whose local might have been somewhat undisclosed to the Cherokee.

Dathie’s kidnappers may have by-passed the Canebrake Plantation in the Edgefield District and later sold Dathie Haines, away in a location that wasn’t as familiar as the Calhoun family’s properties. At this time, the Calhouns and the Native American Cherokee had already established a bloody relationship by the 1800s, that was filled with murder, Prisoners of War, during the Separatists conquest for land.

Once I was made aware of the story of Dathie Haines, I’ve found it overly perplexing that no one has stepped up from the area of North Georgia that Dathie was supposedly taken from, proclaiming to be the family of Dathie Haines; especially when these events occurred not that long ago. I’ve lived so close to the Clemson University campus, that the balloons would fill my grandmothers’ lawn after descending from the release of the pre-game kickoff of Home games in Death Valley Stadium. I lived many years so close, but yet so far from where my ancestors were buried, however, I was clueless and ignorant to a history that had been intentionally erased. I lived a short 15-min walk to the campus of Clemson University while constantly being reminded of the personal stories of those whose truths are publicly unacknowledged, and not realizing that the majority of the local African-American stories told, were the unknown triumphs of my ancestors.

My grandmother(x) Nancy Washington Legree, was enslaved/prisoner of war to the families of John C. Calhoun & Thomas Green Clemson (founder of Clemson University) at FORT HILL Plantation in Clemson, SC.

My grandmother Nancy Washington Legree, like Dathie, was a Cherokee Indian and is believed to be a descendant of Cherokee Indian Chief Bushy Heads' family. Below written history shows, "Chief Bushy Head" frequented the Fort Hill area annually, each year. I successfully discovered that there were several Nannies and Nancy’s in the bloodline of the Cherokee Chief.

My Native American family remarkably managed to triumphantly hold onto a portion of their homelands over 100 years after the surrendering of the South Carolina Militia at Fort Rutledge (located on the Clemson University Campus.

This was despite the unconstitutional enforcements being made to dishonor many Native American contracts and treaties.

My Ancestors, the family of Nancy Washington Legree, TRIUMPHANTLY retained ownership of their homelands over 100 years after The Battle of Esseneca Town in 1780. My family Triumphantly fought for their Native Lands and history should acknowledge the truth. My Native American family, are American Heroes.
— Andrew Peppers

An 1880 Census report shows my family living in Seneca, SC, yet deceptively, Clemson University geographically changed this locations county address, while transforming this area of Seneca, into Clemson so that history will never reflect the exact locations of Americas first Defense.

Many are still understandingly puzzled as to the unrevealed connections between the 7th Vice President, a native American girl, and Nothern Georgia. Why would a prominent early American family be camping out in the wilderness and uncolonized Indian land? Shortly before the kidnapping of Dathie Haines, Gold had been discovered on Cherokee lands in Northern Georgia, and therefore the first major gold strike in North America occurred on the lands owned for thousands of years prior to the gold findings, by the Native American Cherokee. Once Gold had been found, the Indian Removal Act (1830) was signed and brutally enforced upon the Cherokee and other Native American tribes, by President Andrew Jackson. The period of time after the signing of the Indian Removal Act (1830), was marked by the massive amounts of robbery of Native American lands, along with the heartless purging of many tribes that have called America home for thousands of years.

On 2/22/22, and After 192 years to the Exact introduction date of the Indian Removal Bill of 1830, GOD sent Prophecy to me that would Reveal what happened to the Native Americans in Clemson & Seneca, South Carolina. I also discovered that my direct Ancestors were of Cherokee Hierarchy.
— Andrew Peppers

The Indian Removal Bill.

One unknown fact that should not be overlooked is, Andrew Jackson was President of the United States in 1830, along with a Confederate-minded Vice President in John C. Calhoun. The two American leaders secretly conspired together to transform the Native American into the Negro, to reduce the cost that America would eventually have to pay in dishonored treaty agreements and reparations to the Native Americans. This immoral method of brainwashing is responsible for millions of Black people in America being falsely classified as African-American and not by their true identities, which is the Native American. The inhumane measures that had been taken in order to erase the true identity of the Original Natives of America, was an effective strategy that forced Black People to restrict the searches of their history to the shores of Africa, in pursuit of their history.

I have no doubt, that Black Americans are actually the people, who we have been waiting for all along. President Obama was correct in making the previous statement. The Unrecognized Harsh Reality of an American History that has yet to be thoroughly examined, and this is how The United States Government, led by a team of President Andrew Jackson, greatly assisted by Vice President John C. Calhoun; first conspired to murder and transform the minds of Native Americans, while erasing the very rich history, culture, and contributions to the world. Black Americans must acknowledge that the majority of us were tricked and Robbed of our true identities, and therefore I encourage all people who have been labeled, African-Americans to discover ways of tracing back to your Native American roots; in order to understand and embrace who you truly are.

Photo comparison of myself and my Great Grandmother Mary Legree, born in 1885, and at birth enslaved two decades after the Emancipation had ended Slavery at Clemson University (formerly Clemson College).

My History, along with potentially Millions of other African-Americans whose identities were stolen and therefore their true history has been missing, hidden, and deeply concealed; before the research of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation, successfully discovered my family’s unidentified Pre-Revolutionary history, that will now require the United States of America to rewrite the true story of American History.
— Andrew Peppers

Please add support to the Innovative missions of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation, as our efforts of Positive Change have been greatly affected and discriminated against by multiple parties in the state of South Carolina, with wishes of silencing our truth.


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My Grandmother was the Daughter of U.S. Vice President, John C. Calhoun, but the state of SOUTH CAROLINA👎🏿 & CLEMSON🐯 withheld American History.


$ $100 Million $ $ 📜LAWSUIT📜 -VS- the state of, 👩🏿‍⚖️ SOUTH CAROLINA📰