Operation -O.P.P.O.R.T.U.N.I.T.Y. (Opening Polling Places Ourselves Recognizing The Unjust Negative Intent Tolerated Yesterday)
On August 13, 2020 The L.A. Dodgers, The Los Angeles County Registar-Recorder/County Clerk, and California Secretary of State’s office announced that Dodger Stadium will serve as a Vote Center for The Presidential General Election. It was also stated that the stadium would be accessible with free parking offered to any registered voter in Los Angeles County over a five day period with operational details (TBA) at a later date (per Dodgers.com). The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A) is very appreciative to Honorable Americans such as Lebron James along with other athletes and organizations like More Than a Vote, that have made igniting voters a personal mission of their very own. Make no mistake about it, turning Dodger Stadium into a Voter Center is an Astronomical Achievement. This milestone is nothing less than historic and should serve as a Blueprint to Monumental Advancement which is proven to be achievable whenever we have gotten very effective people involved and have carefully executed plans. Unfortunately, most people of power in Black America don’t have the Political abilities or the amount of support that Lebron has, However I can think of a Black American or an Ally of Equality in each of the the major U.S. cities that have the capabilities to jump aboard Operation- O.P.P.O.R.T.U.N.I.T.Y. and turn a local facility or site into a Polling Place. We have multiple people of power to chose from in several different cities, please don’t wait for someone else to move forward, before you take action. If we all found a way to support this crucial operation with our actions, then this could potentially be a game changer in The November Elections, Nationwide.
If you’re like most of us, maybe you’re lacking just a little star power; but maybe it is that you are actually Influential within your local community and you would like to do your part in helping to create change. It is very simple and easy to get involved and become active with Operation- O.P.P.O.R.T.U.N.I.T.Y. We must remember that we have the power to control most of our Community Centers and local Event Halls located within our own neighborhoods. We are also Owners of our local Hair/Nail salons, Restaurants, Pubs, Barbershops, and so much more. We must take the responsibility of being among the very few fortunate in our communities and offer Opportunity to our clients, customers, and patrons. Local small business owners and other citizens can assist with Operation- O.P.P.O.R.T.U.N.I.T.Y. by going to their City/County Voter Registration office and picking up a stack of Voter Registration forms and placing them on your lobby tables just as you would normally do with your daily newspapers and magazines. It is Imperative that we make Voter Registration forms just as accessible as any other written literature in our waiting areas. Ultimately, It is up to ALL of us to do our own individual part just as Lebron James and others have already taken the initiative to allow their actions to speak much louder than their voices can be heard. Truthfully, we all have very Unique additions to contribute to Operation- O.P.P.O.R.T.U.N.I.T.Y. on so many different levels and with only days left until the November Elections; we have to work extremely hard and efficiently. Please Help us to continue thinking Resolve and coming up with Actual Solutions to help bring an end to the many Obstacles Of Injustice faced by Black America. We must allow our voices to be properly heard and in the most effective way, by Voting. Please remember that Change is more than a Protest, a March, or a Chanted slogan. Change starts with making a Long term Commitment and investment into your future by Registering and then Exercising your right to Vote.