This BLACK History Month✊🏾 OFFICIAL CHANGE👏🏾 requires Everyone to be as vocal as FANNIE LOU🎤 just so that AMERICA has a Real Clue🗣 👨🏾⚖️
The most iconic yet disgracefully unknown public testimony ever given in American history was graciously offered by the Infamous, Fannie Lou Hamer. A self-made fearless Civil Rights leader who many times expressed an unbelievable, yet disturbing truth that provided America with a real-life verbal account of Fannie Lou’s unpleasant experiences as a Black Woman in the state of Mississippi. Mrs. Hamer unapologetically delivered a passionate, powerful, and most compelling case of exposing the world to the inhumane treatment of Black Americans in Mississippi, before the Democratic National Convention, in 1964.
Mrs. Hamer’s courageous speech, despite being intentionally sabotaged and interrupted by programming from national reporting networks and President Lyndon B. Johnson, was so incredibly overwhelming that it sparked much-needed change in the Civil Rights Movement. Fannie Lou was unquestionably one of the pioneers in providing America with detailed insight into the terrifying true lives of Black people in Mississippi, who had been trapped and manipulated into less severe forms of slavery after the Emancipation.
Mrs. Hamer was also responsible for publicly calling out the Democratic Party for their lack of support of Black people who were oppressively poor, uneducated, hungry, and suffering from the denial of opportunity in Mississippi, in the 1960s. Fannie Lou Hamer would later help found the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), established in opposition to her state’s all-white delegation which had ignored the basic needs of Black people. It was because of Mrs. Hamer’s very passionate testimony, that many American eyes were now opened to the very deep oppression that existed in all areas of the South for Black people. The very brutal conditions experienced by African-Americans were largely unknown to those who lived outside of the region until Mrs. Hamer’s truth revealed to the world a dark reality that had been hidden for centuries.
Nevertheless, these immoral and premeditated obstacles were common occurrences in the lives of the majority of African Americans in a post-Civil War South. Fannie Lou Hamer’s sharing of her truth allowed for many Americans who lived outside of the state of Mississippi to become aware of the major oppressive issues facing Black people in the state. It was only through Fannie Lou’s willingness to expose a hidden reality of the daily lives of Black People in Mississippi, that the world became aware of what was rightfully a humanitarian crisis in Mississippi in the 60s. Black People had been viciously beaten down and mentally destroyed by a system of oppression, they continued building their lives based on what they believed was everyday survival; while ignoring the fact that their conditions were not being made better. This is why Fannie Lou Hamer’s extraordinary testimony was so vital to raising much-needed awareness, to an issue that had been invisible to most.
Just like Fannie Lou Hamer’s terrorizing account of misconduct and inhumane treatment by the police and later on the inside of a Missippissi jail, I was also a victim of police brutality at the hands of the Greenville City Police Department and also by the Officers on the inside of the Greenville County jail, in Upstate South Carolina; where I was denied of the majority of my Civil Rights.
Please Review the Powerful short Clip below of Fannie Lou Hamer, describing inhumane & Unjust treatment that she & others received.
I shockingly discovered that many Black Americans’ stories of inhumane punishments in South Carolina had also been covered up and hidden from the world, therefore most are truly unaware of the outrageous amount of White Supremacism that exists in Upstate, South Carolina. Daily in South Carolina, Black Citizens face significant and sometimes unbearable amounts of racism, mainly due to a culture of confederacy that falsely teaches white youth, that they are privileged and should be given extra benefits and chances, due to the pale tone of their skin. In recent weeks; educators, medical professionals, trusted authority, law enforcement, and a major University, all have made the news for suspected racism in South Carolina or in Clemson Universitys’ case, for enforcing acts of servitude. All of this was happening as a prominent white Upstate, SC grown attorney by the name of Alex Murdaugh, seemingly had been given dozens of chances in high profile cases, which continued to be unraveling as more facts were released. I often wonder if the privileges offered to Murdaugh were more about the secrets that he may be withholding regarding many in authority in a corrupt system of hate or if the extra chances were granted simply due to the color of his skin.
If you are still unconvinced that South Carolina has just as much work to do as Mississippi once did in the 1960s, then explain how a longtime trusted Upstate South Carolina News Anchor’s daughter recently was exposed in a disgusting and very disturbing racist rant caught on video, in which she looked comfortable in expressing herself before a group of cheering white friends. It’s extremely troubling, that white citizens in South Carolina are able to openly express their racially motivated opinions and face little threat of losing opportunities. The truth is, there is a huge racial divide in SC and the governing authority has done very little to change the narrative. There is also unfair economic backlash, slander, and the threat of prison when a Black man in South Carolina comes forward and simply speaks of his true experiences. Many times there is much more than a financial sacrifice that could potentially be at risk for speaking a contrasting truth that’s a much different reality from the fabricated Wonderland tale that has been sold to those who visit have visited the state of South Carolina.
Just as you will later witness from a short 1:00 min. video recording, how Fannie Lou Hamer once bravely shared her horrific story of how shots were fired at her residence for speaking the truth and wanting to vote. My life has also been endangered on multiple occasions for speaking the truth and city leadership has shown that my issues are not of their concerns.
Traumatically, I can remember experiencing a few frightening moments in which shots were fired in my direction and several times around me in Greenville, SC, after the release of my book, Andrew VS. Goliath: The American Civil Czar. My book calls out and exposes a collaborated effort in South Carolina by the leftovers of the confederacy, who have conspired to unjustly discredit and deny The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.), from contributing to society.
Andrew Vs. Goliath: The American Civil Czar Available NOW at
These unjust crimes of intimidation in which I had been targeted, were reported to the mayor and others in the city of Greenville, SC who never even responded to my concerns, despite having multiple witnesses of these obstructions. My very similar life-threatening experiences in South Carolina helped me to understand exactly how Fannie Lou Hamer must have felt when she recorded her experiences of extreme racism in Mississippi in the 1960s, in this short Youtube recording.
After experiencing a lifetime of homegrown South Carolina oppression, you soon discover the concealed truth, despite the picture-perfect message that has been orchestrated to fit a deceptive conservative agenda.
During my immense study of Pre-Civil War behavior in America, I discovered that slaveholders and many of their descendants were unwilling to change their traditional views, which were baseless and intended to promote a message of inferiority to African-Americans in order to break their mental wills.
After witnessing on the local news that a white female citizen in the city of Greenville, SC decided to drive her car to the Greenville County Detention Center and fire bullets from her gun at selected officers vehicles, yet her bond was less than the conspired charges that had been falsely placed against me. There were no guns or weapons in their fake charges that had been compiled against me, yet white privilege gives white citizens extra consideration that Black citizens are not presented with. Recently witnessing endless obstructions in South Carolina helped me reach the conclusion that there is no possibility of genuine change in the state, as it is currently politically constructed.
My story that has been hidden represents the truth about a state that has failed to move forward and discover modern-day methods that successfully generate profit and neglect to cause damages to the African-American citizens. You would think after centuries of intentional torment and terror inflicted against the lives of Black People in South Carolina, that there would be more proof of a meaningful change of attitude on the horizon, yet leaders in the state have only talked about promises that have not been honored.
At times, it may be difficult for most outside of the South to truly comprehend the massive amount of trickery that has been played on the minds of the citizens of South Carolina, in an attempt to keep Black citizens oppressed and in bondage. A system that is absent of answers without incriminating itself will do just about anything to avoid accountability; which is why it is important that we remove the cloth hoods from the unknown and revealed faces of the confederacy, in order for meaningful change to be experienced.
They even sent an Asian man to me, just as this system once sent infiltrators to Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, and others who they feared and deemed to be a triumphant and uncompromising leader of effective change in Black America. This unidentified Asian man (who I will not disclose) told me that his “UNIDENTIFIED” friends were capable of making me rich and that he would be able to retire in less than a couple of years by having these types of friends by his side. He then went on to reemphasize during our meeting several times that his friends were willing to make me rich. During our final conversation, I was subconsciously reminded as to why I never called the mysterious Asian man back after a few phone conversations and our initial meeting at a local pharmacy. I instantly remembered why I ended all communications with this same Asain man, and it was due to his overextension of generosity. He repeatedly asked me, what was it that my mission needed. At the end of the day, I felt that his intentions were ingenuine and not very conducive to the ultimate goals of the Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.). Therefore, I made the best decision that I felt was beneficial to my relatively young mission of change.
It seemed as if, the more ideas that I shared with the unknown Asian man, that I begin to identify through his clever wording, that he had been sent by those who wished to ultimately silence my truth. The feeling of being betrayed, misled, or manipulated by the same system of deception that had been responsible for the major tribulations in my life; was too great to overcome the justifiable anxieties that were a result of my actual experience. Unprovoked acts of kindness with seemingly hidden agendas, always made me very uncomfortable. I later professionally explained to the Asian man, that his offers of philanthropy towards my mission of change were greatly appreciated, however, I wouldn’t be interested in any more business meetings to discuss the ideas of The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation.
It was then that this unknown Asain man became noticeably irritated by my refusal to continue discussing my foundations’ goals with him, so much that he somewhat revealed his true identity during our final phone conversation. His explanation of his identity was also disturbing to me, as he informed me in regret that his friends were the only way to financial freedom and without the guidance of his undisclosed mentors, that there was no way to accomplish the goals of my mission that I had laid out. This unknown man gave me the impression that he represented some secret underworld as everything that he said to me was vague and seemed conditional. I then informed the spy that was sent by those who wish to ban my truth, that my story was already written, and I wasn’t willing to compromise or redirect my mission of change; if it meant that I had to omit my truth.
I’ve also come to the realization during a long withstanding battle with the true leftover strongholds of the Confederacy in South Carolina, such as but not limited to, Clemson University, The Greenville City Police Department, Clemson City Government, Greenville City Government, and others who are unnamed; I’ve come to the understanding that these groups of people do not want things to change. Just as Clemson University once tried to block the entrance of a young eager to learn, Harvey Gannt, who was just a Black man that wanted to be educated at Clemson.
The above-mentioned groups have secretly conspired with others over the past 18 months to discredit and silence my truth from being heard at every cost. These groups of people all have a common interest and are committed to supporting a traditional agenda that hasn’t been favorable for the advancements of Black people In South Carolina. They work to destroy my mission of truth, because my truth, threatens what is publicly acknowledged by American History. Therefore the accomplishments and the innovative ideas of positive change that have been presented by, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.)., have been ignored, despite M.O.C.H.A. having written over 50 plus effective solutions to end generational obstacles faced by Black People in America, within the past 18 months.
The truth is, none of the above-named parties have a richer history in the state of South Carolina than my own; which includes Revolutionary War participants, a Vice President of the United States, several South Carolina Governors, World War II participants, Native American Tribes, and less-known speakers of influence within their respected areas of leadership. These concealed facts being researched and only revealed by way of a Black man providing his true history has proven to be very disturbing and extremely disruptive to those who wish to continue secretly celebrating a culture of confederacy that has been supportive of suppressing the achievements, futures, and dreams of the African-American citizens within the South Carolina since the establishment of the colony. I’ve patiently sat back watching, anxiously awaiting on stand-by, as these groups of people have unjustly conspired to mute my truth by numerous amounts of ways, such as creating a fabricated Inspirational Disney movie, honoring those within the community for minor achievements so that they have a false positive projection of true race relations, and also by using Black Citizens who have suffered from a backlog of withheld Black history that has yet to be celebrated or honored and using these citizens as a decoy to present and progressive actions of change that require leadership to immediately address the current change that lays before them. The state of South Carolina has many times unjustly attempted to create a distraction to my truth, by manipulating the minds of Black Citizens to believe that they are finally being accepted, in order to tell a catalog of stories that have traditionally failed to inspire Black Youth in South Carolina. Truthfully, if the mentioned parties believed that enough people would pay attention, they would honor the First Negro Custodian at the local school if they thought the distraction would cause African-Americans to ignore my story. These discriminatory and unjust practices of diversion were several times used to distract America from Fannie Lou Hamers' truth about Mississippi over five decades ago, so in 2022, I am offering a hidden truth about South Carolina that has never been revealed to the American public before.
I question how citizens of every race in the state of South Carolina, especially the African-American community; could resurrect the 2020 Presidental Campaign of President Biden, during the primary season, only for the Black citizens to continue to be innocently shot dead by police, harassed, missing, and unjustly thrown into jail cells in order to stimulate the local economies within the state. Through study, I’ve found that these unfair financial tactics are used against Black people so that local governments can obtain, sustain and expand economically. The unjust methods that are currently utilized by the majority of the local governments in South Carolina were an adopted plan from slaveholders who once used the same basic blueprint to ensure economical authority over Black Citizens who wished to escape from the true terror of Dixie. Unfortunately, many of the laws in the South are outdated and therefore America continues to be deceptively built by the descendants of the very same people who America first enslaved; along with the poor and people of color.
It is greatly due to many people of color willingly compromising and ignoring some of our greatest generational grievances, that the tasks of identifying these obstructions for the purpose of remedying, has been made extremely difficult. Therefore, fixing these generational issues while accurately accessing the enormous amount of pain through methods of evaluating the tremendous toll from a lifetime of oppression and trauma in a Jim Crow South, is nearly impossible. However, borrowing a scene from the culturally favorite movie, LIFE (released in the Spring of 1999), has proven to be the only efficient approach to adequately depicting the true demeanor of the descendants of those whose families once owned and refused to free slaves in America. The accuracy of the scene in which the actor who plays Sheriff Pike, is exposed after decades for framing the characters played by Martin Lawerence (Clyde Banks) and Eddie Murphy (Ray Gibson). Sheriff Pike had been caught and confronted for stealing a timepiece that was originally given to Ray Gibson by his late father. The evil response that was given by the Sheriff during the revelation of the awareness of Ray Gibsons’ stolen watch, thoroughly explains the philosophy of ones who believed and benefitted from the immoral practice of slavery. The response that was given in this powerful scene also reflects the general temperament of those who support and uphold the injustices in America against Black people and in the name of The Confederacy.
After over 40 years of being wrongfully convicted of a murder that Clyde and Ray were completely innocent of, the sheriff’s last words were, “Well at least the state of Mississippi got 40 years out of the deal”. And this response defines the true culture of the Confederacy in South Carolina that failed to effectively move forward without oppressing a group of people based on race.
Honestly, the state of South Carolina’s actions has never offered me one reason to be proud to be from the Palmetto State. Since birth, all I have are memories that were made during difficult and burdensome times. Just like the majority of Black citizens in South Carolina, a corrupt system has also found cunning and strategic ways to mislead me, cheat me, and when I express my pains from their targeted wounds, they manipulate the minds of the people; in desperate attempts to defeat me.
A True Testimony that Fannie Lou could Only, Deliver.👇🏽👇🏿
I remember being hired at a Greenville, SC business (Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC) in late September of 2017, by a Greenville/Charleston, SC area businessman named, Joseph Cagle (who also has business dealings in Virginia Beach, Virginia area). On day one of my employment, I was also introduced to a guy who owned and shared the renting space with his partner, who happened to be the owner of the company that I was hired to work for, Joseph Cagle. I would later discover that Craig Lowe (owner of CLC & associates, LLC.) was in charge of all operations, as he was renting the building space where I had just become employed. After believing that I had developed a tight business relationship with Craig, I had assumed that he was also the owner and overseer of the company that I was now employed by. This assumption was based on Joseph Cagle being absent for almost the entire span of my first 45 days of employment at Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC. Craig Lowe actually acknowledged my hard work and relentless dedication and he rewarded me with my very first recognitions award for my tremendous efforts displayed on the job. It was less than one month later, that I would be promoted to the manager’s position. I immediately hired a team of hard workers, while avoiding the same discriminatory practices that had been responsible for discouraging myself and others from seeking certain employment opportunities, due to feeling as if we were intentionally being made to feel unwelcome and as if our previous accomplishments no longer held merit. These intended obstructions were never a part of my selections process, nor did I ever conduct one background check on any of the employees who showed genuine interest in the positions that the company was offering during our search. In less than 5 months from being promoted to manager, I had successfully guided a struggling company in Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC. that was barely averaging $40k a month when I began a little over 6 months ago and created a powerful and productive company that was now averaging over $300k a month for the first quarter of 2018. Selflessly, I had given everything that I had in helping to build Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC., only to discover that my $20 an hour plus commissions wage was a few dollars less an hour than a manager within the company whose actions showed that he was much less committed and concerned regarding the success of his fellow employees that the company had hired in hopes of generating growth. Things really began to fall apart once employees whom I managed, discovered extremely racist and derogatory comments that had been sent through multiple daily emails from the only other 2 managers within the company in Greenville, SC who were both white. Their racist exchange of emails was very disgusting, as they called the individual names of several Black employees while making race-related jokes about them as well. Again, I was the only African-American manager within the company at the time, and my name had also been mentioned in their emails as they questioned how I was able to consistently perform on an elevated level on a daily basis. Apparently, the white managers didn’t understand how I was able to achieve success on days of difficulty and therefore they expressed their feelings based on race while ignoring the maximum efforts that they had witnessed being given by me daily.
After the racist emails had been discovered, the treatment of acts of deliberate racism was no longer hidden. At times, workers were left unpaid for months, while a majority of white staff continued to grow with several new faces in management, excluding the one new African-American addition to the staff. Things were constantly changing around the office, yet meaningful change that allowed for the people who were responsible for helping to quickly place the company in the position to reap major financial gains was absent.
In final, things had become unbearable for the Black employees when they were segregated and assigned seatings on the opposite side of the building from the white employees. One Black employee had a dog that was allowed to nearly attack her as the owner sat back and laughed as the Black Employee screamed in terror, fearing for her life. Incidents such as this and other acts of blatant racism being displayed against me were never obvious. Maybe this was because Joseph Cagle treated me as if I was his cousin or a friend at times and most times he showed a decent level of respect for my dedication to the company. However, I was expected to laugh at the jokes, games, manipulation, and disrespect that had been directed at all of the other employees of color, and because I was unmistakenly uncomfortable with the racism others around me became noticeably agitated. When I did not laugh, I was no longer considered family, and all of my record-breaking company achievements that had helped to catapult Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC., into uncharted financial waters had been immediately erased and forgotten.
Quick conversations with the company’s owner had now become the norm as I begin to hear an increased amount of concerns regarding racial discrimination. I was responsible for taking my employee’s concerns to Joseph Cagle regarding the racist treatment of the African-American employees. It was for this reason that my friendship and my business relationship with the owner (Joseph Cagle) had now become estranged and I understood that I was No longer welcome at Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC.
I was soon terminated despite bringing AFS to a new level that was unachievable without the hard work and dedication of the workers that I hired at Accelerated Financial Solutions in Greenville, SC, and also later on in Simpsonville, SC. A new office showcasing a few thousand cubic feet of business space was obtained shortly after I hired a staff of employees that once believed that they were receiving an opportunity, yet it was the reality of racism that eventually derailed their dreams. Most of the Black Employees were fired for various unknown reasons after my departure. The following morning after my illegal termination, I was contacted by Craig Lowe and offered a job at the very same physical address that I had started from, a little less than 10 months prior. Craig had known about the racist emails that were discovered by company employees only a couple of months before my termination. Craig Lowe reached out to his “business partner” Joseph Cagle about monies that were owed to me at the time of my termination. Once I had refused to work for Craig after all that had happened, he was no longer interested in helping me to recover funds that were owed by Joseph Cagle
I turned down the job offer from Craig, due to the proposal eerily reminding me of how my ancestors were once tricked by those who wished to keep them enslaved, and based on that truth and several others that are not listed, I informed Craig Lowe that I would not be interested in joining CLC & associates. After contemplating Craig’s offer, I refused to work and bring profit to the same group of people who had seemingly wanted me to work under a different business name, no matter how much was offered. After successfully gaining an understanding as to where some of the AFS’s revenue was being distributed, (once it reached different business accounts) I understood how silent partners could get away with injustices such as my case is.
I then hired a Greenville, SC attorney who filed a lawsuit against Joseph Cagle, Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC. (jointly & severally). A $100,000 judgment was granted on my behalf on 01/15/2019.
I was later informed by my Greenville, SC attorney that Craig Lowe would not be included in my already filed lawsuit against Joseph Cagle and Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC. I was totally disappointed as I strongly disagreed with the decision of my Greenville, SC attorney’s advice. I would later learn that Craig Lowe had actually purchased a portion of Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC. after my termination and shortly before the company eventually dissolved.
Unfortunately, I never received a penny for the colossal damages caused by Accelerated Financial Solutions, LLC., and the $100.000 judgment ruled in my favor was just another useless and unhonored piece of paper in a South Carolina Confederacy. How fair is it that a business partner of Joseph Cagle was able to purchase a portion of a company that he had full knowledge and complete understanding of intended legal actions from multiple nationwide clients, but somehow Craig Lowe is still able to continue making thousands of dollars from a company that I was greatly responsible for guiding and accelerating to record levels of financial growth.
Since the founding of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.), only 18 months ago, my truth regarding the state of South Carolina has largely been ignored. I still question America by asking, what citizen, in the history of the United States has been more victimized by a local and state government than I have? I remind you that I also named a bridge in Clemson, South Carolina after a former enslaved African-American woman that Clemson had promoted as the unofficial story of early American slavery in Upstate South Carolina.
On 10/19/20, the Clemson City Council voted to name an unnamed bridge in honor of Nancy Washington Legree, who is my Great Grandmother. After uncovering a hidden American truth that had been concealed at Clemson University for over 150 years which connected my family/ancestors to some of the Founding Fathers of America in Clemson, I would like to believe that I would have received more support, but I totally understand.
I have no doubt, had I been given equal opportunity in the state of South Carolina, then my life, my children’s lives, and all communities in the state of South Carolina would have a better chance at meaningful opportunities, as the state would have answers to their many unacknowledged and unsolved issues that have plagued the African-American citizens of South Carolina for decades now. When you have doubt that my account of my true experiences with racism and discrimination in South Carolina are unreal, consider that I am a victim of police brutality and remember that I was also cheated by a Greenville, SC businessman, who still owes me $100,000. I also own documentation that an entire city council unanimously agreed upon to create positive change in Clemson, SC. Neither of these documents has been honored by the state of South Carolina, yet a Black man always is held accountable in South Carolina, even for things he has no knowledge of.
If I have failed to produce enough proof through the revelations of my truths that have been offered to America regarding the deep oppression that exists in the state of South Carolina; then oppression must only be a psychological illusion that continues to show up and haunt the futures and dreams of the much deserving people of the state of South Carolina. My mission, my future, and my financial options have all been negatively affected by Conspired Racism in South Carolina.
OR if you would prefer to send a financial gift to our missions of change through Cash App, you are encouraged to do so by using $MochaMission20 to make your donations.
So please offer me the very same seat that was once overtaken by the extraordinary efforts of Fannie Lou Hamer and allow me to give every burden of proof as to why the majority of the African-American population in South Carolina subconsciously suffers from a hidden virus that is much more contagious than COVID-19. The effects of this evil virus lasts for centuries after innocent victims have been mercifully slandered, slain, and mentally destroyed. This very contagious and sometimes lethal virus is called Psychological Slavery and until Black People in South Carolina begin to understand the manipulative games that have been traditionally played by those who profit from oppression, then there can be no true sterilization of this sometimes deadly disease.
In the process of immorally attempting to erase the truth from the lives of Black South Carolinians, a conservative effort to hide important facts regarding the true history of its citizens has been made. This is the only way that those who are currently in power are able to remain seated. An array of new lows of public embarrassment have been reached in recent months in South Carolina, this has mainly been due to the discriminatory practices at some of the most unexpected and trusted places of influence.
It is also important to note, that Clemson University (April 2021) was the first school in the nation that ever faced a class-action lawsuit by both its male and female student-athletes for violating Title IX by discriminating against them in Different ways.
It is very important that America understands, my truth continues to be confirmed daily in several unique forms of validation from GOD. Many Americans are also unaware that Clemson University has a pending lawsuit filed by Ned Sloan (5/1/2020), the former leader of the South Carolina Public Interest Foundation (SCPIF), who’s challenging Clemson University and its controversial and unconstitutional “lifetime” trustee appointments (per a reliable source at Clemson’s governing structure also predates slavery and has been in place since 1889. This has allowed for the same system of governing power to remain in place. Privately, the governing board at Clemson University has silently operated as an independent, although the school raked in over $136 million from South Carolina state funds in 2019. Many understand these acts to be unconstitutional and this was the reason for the filing of the lawsuit against Clemson University’s Board of Trustees, by Ned Sloan.
When one really thinks about it, how disturbing is it, that a major University in South Carolina had chosen leadership way back in 1889 and has written by-laws which basically offer the same authoritative voices of the confederacy to remain on the governing board for as long as they are alive?
Expectedly, many of the white citizens in South Carolina are against teaching Critical Race Theory in the state schools, however, most of the people complaining within the state, have the financial capabilities to send their kids to attend private schools. I personally do not believe that there is a legitimate concern about what is being taught to white kids, but more importantly, a system of confederacy wishes to ensure that all Black youth are continuing to be taught a systematic and controlled message regarding white privilege, while also examining the severe punishments of rebellion for Black People.
This is why America gladly promotes the honor, dedication, and remembrance of slain African-American leaders in United States history; yet America refuses to show the average Black man that still stands despite so much adversity. I am a standing champion who remains, By. Any. Means. BOLD. #BAMB
Please add support to the Innovative missions of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation, as our efforts of Positive Change have been greatly affected and discriminated against by multiple parties in the state of South Carolina that wishes to silence our truth.
OR if you would prefer to send a financial gift to our missions of change through Cash App, you are encouraged to do so by using $MochaMission20 to make your donations.