TRURECORD🤳🏾 👮‍♂️👩🏾‍💻 A Major Breakthrough in the battle for Civil Rights!👨🏾‍⚖️

Tracking Racism Using Recorded Evidence & Capturing Real-time Data!

Our primary mission at The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) is discovering Innovative Solutions in order to end generational obstacles faced by Black People in America. When the unfortunate murder of George Floyd occurred on 5/25/20, due to the knee of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, The M.O.C.H.A. foundation quickly reacted within 24 hours of the tragedy by offering citizens The Stand-In, Stop & Watch alternative. The Stand-In, Stop & Watch was an organized form of defense and much more importantly, a form of action that could be taken by average citizens who stop and show their concerns when witnessing a Black Person being pulled over in and in the presence of Police Officers.

During M.O.C.H.A.’s Nationwide Rapid-Response to the tragedy of George Floyd and less than 1 month after The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation was founded, my vigorous pursuit of change unexpectedly landed me on the phone with Civil Rights Leader, Reverend Al Sharpton.

Unfortunately, after the phone call, The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation never heard nor did we receive any follow-up from Rev. Al Sharpton, despite a promise being made by Mr. Sharpton to work with our organization during the call.

Nevertheless, I continued to expose inequalities in America, while remaining persistent in developing innovative ideas for immediate change for Black People. During many dire attempts to create instant change, I created and added to the Strategies/Solutions page several times a month at despite the fact that many of the major organizations, large groups, and voices for black people being unable to create effective change. You are able to view 40 plus Strategies & Solutions, which were presented offerings in order to End Generational Obstacles faced by Black People in America by visiting

THE SOLUTION: TRURECORD (Tracking Racism Using Recorded Evidence & Capturing Real-time Data.

The self-educated and well-respected Fredrick Douglass once wrote the necessary Men Of Color, to Arms, in 1863 to rally Black men as a response to the ongoing Civil War in America. Fredrick Douglass understood way back in 1863 that official freedom for African Americans, Black people, and all people of color required the participation of those same individuals who had lived in fear, and ones who had the most to sacrifice by standing up to a system of slavery. Looking back in hindsight, it is almost certain, had Black Americans taken hed to the words written by Fredrick Douglass, that most of our known generational struggles would not have progressed. One of the greatest problems that are unaddressed is the fact that many Black People in the South didn’t understand that they were enslaved or how the repercussions of slavery would affect their families for generations to come. I believe that Black Americans have so much to learn from modern-day history, which is our true experience in America, and in avoiding the truth, we are only prolonging and neglecting our obvious grievances and therefore we are irresponsibly leaving a battle in which we are capable of being triumphant for our children to later figure it out decades too late. The Great Harriet Tubman, may or may not have said, “I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves”, yet today those same powerful words are even more valid than they were during the period of physical enslavement in America.

Although the physical chains and restraints may have been removed after centuries of enslavement in America, many Black people outside of the major cities of the South continue to suffer from “Psychological Slavery.”

What is psychological slavery? It is defined as the perception of a threat, physical or psychological, and the conviction that misfortune can really occur; Appreciation of small acts of kindness by the abuser towards the victim; Isolation from others; Conviction that one is unable to escape the situation. The great fear that many in the Southern United States still experience over 150 years after the Emancipation, is the likelihood that they will threaten friendships, cause unnecessary trouble, and end lifelong employment opportunities for themselves and their loved ones; all by standing up for themselves and fighting for equality. Psychological enslavement might help many understand how it is that I have one of the most powerful true stories in America, but because my battle is with the Police Department and a Major University for truth, my story has been strategically hidden by state media.

However, it is worth noting that Fredrick Douglass also knew that it was necessary to abolish slavery in “ALL” its forms and aspects in order to promote the moral and intellectual improvement of colored people.

One way that we are able to stand up and send a message of unity, solidarity, and commitment to ending generational obstacles, is by developing and establishing a nationwide system of the TRURECORD services.

  • What is TRURECORD? TRURECORD or Tracking Racism Using Recorded Evidence & Capturing Real-time Data, is an advanced program that allows for real-time tracking and recordings of real experiences of Black citizens when encountering law enforcement, elected officials, and personal individuals of interest who intentionally violate the Civil Rights of Black People in America.

  • How does is this system beneficial to Black America? TRURECORD will allow for real-time recording of actual occurrences once the victim (or family) of racism enters their actual story into a portal which will allow for identifying a location, time, incident description, name, and a picture of the violator. This information will then be processed with other gathered information so that it is able to be filed into the TRURECORD system for public view within 24 hrs of the actual time that the incident occurred.


  • How does tracking racism and recording the information create change? Many times the police in America are in control of the investigations and are also the authors of the fictional writings of the incident report. In most situations, our stories are falsely narrated and strategically manipulated so that Black people are made out to be the criminal and the system is prematurely believed to be the victim. We must develop methods to rewrite this unfair narrative by challenging false truths with accurate information. The establishment of TruRecord takes complete control of power out of the hands of the people who we have trusted to be honest, fair, and dependable. These same trusted individuals have continuously let Black People down by spreading misinformation and concealing the identities of those they deem privileged. We must start with an action of change to ensure that things do not remain the same. Many times an incident report with the actual facts is not released from cities and local governments in the South with an intention to hide the facts and protect the violator from the public. TRURECORD gives the victims of racism an opportunity to have a voice when local media has attempted to silence the incident and their personal stories of truth go untold. This has allowed the false narratives and stereotypes to remain and therefore word of mouth in the South has crippled careers.

  • What can I do or how can I participate or be a part of the Solution? Anytime that your rights have been violated and you feel as though you were made to feel uncomfortable because of the color of your skin, it’s time to get involved. Example: Traffic stop made you feel uneasy and you are arrested or as simple as given a ticket for a false minor vehicle violation, then you should get involved and start recording your experience so that it might be able to help others who may be abused by the same official.

  • What is the greatest benefit of establishing TruRecord nationwide? The impactful system of TruRecord allows for the identity, the true story, and the location of the incident to be placed into a public online archive, which will allow for a name to be entered into a search bar and the results being able to conduct a nationwide search to discover if the violator has had prior reported violations to the TRURECORD system. If the violator does have prior reports, then those incidents along with a brief description of the incident from the (nameless) victim, will appear on the report. TRURECORD will also offer the option to add a picture of the violator by simply snapping a photo of the suspected violator before the incident gets out of control and to a point where tensions have been raised. TRURECORD also offers the opportunity to add a face to the violator of your particular incident so that others are made aware of the violator.

  • What is the primary objective of TRURECORD? Many times Black youth are faced with charges in which they have been targeted, trapped, and pursued as if they were wild game; with the establishment of TRURECORD, the information that is gathered is priceless whenever the same individuals that we have reported the incidents to are concealing the major details of crimes committed of racism by multiple offense offenders. Many times the defendant isn’t aware that the same officer who is overly pursuing him/her may have several occurrences that could potentially be documented within the system of TRURECORD. The gathered knowledge and information of TRURECORD is critical to the success of the services and also to the advancement of Black people in America. It is imperative that the victims and the public are aware of the offenses which have been hidden by those in positions of power and therefore this has led to a manipulation of the minds of all races of people in America. TRURECORD helps to raise awareness by tracking the issues of racism across America, while also offering effective solutions which end the generational grievances of Black people by being unable to identify, record, and make public the true crimes that have been accepted against Black Americans.

  • Can you give me an example of how TRURECORD would work for me? It seems that it has become common practice to set up traps in many areas of high crime and poverty in the Southern United States. Many times Black Men are the unfair targets of investigations in which the pursuit of Black Americans exceeds the boundaries of the law. In environments where Unethical, Unfair, and Unprofessional practices happen daily, many times it is unknown that the arresting officer may be under several internal investigations which are never made public because of multiple reasons. TRURECORD allows for a system to record incidents all over America and once a name is entered into the system that story is then able to be used by a defendant who may be able to help himself by proving several unknown connections about his accuser that he would not have been able to make without a system that records the real stories which have gone untold. Once this information is verified, it is then able to be used against the accuser and presented to a judge in pending cases.

  • TRURECORD is a system that is much needed in the current American climate. In many ways, if carefully constructed it is capable of being the equalizer for Black Americans in regards to the Civil Rights battle. The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) asks that you would assist our organization in making this monumental idea a reality; in order to make a true change that instantly reflects.

credit: Ana Nogales, Ph.D. for defining Psychological Slavery

The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) asks that you would assist our organization as we begin a new culture in American philanthropy. We ask that you would consider donating to actual solutions which will effectively end many of the generational grievances experienced by Black people in America. A great messenger of pain is nice, but a great solution that ends the story of grief is Priceless. Please Help Us, by donating to the many solutions of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.).



🖤Black Leaders🖤 👨🏾‍⚖️👮🏾‍♂️👨🏾‍💼👨🏽‍🏫👩🏾‍⚖️⛪️Stand 🆙 Speak 🆙 or Step Down👇🏾


M.O.C.H.A. was only minutes away from calling for a BOYCOTT of Clemson University 🥸🐅 OR Until they stop withholding American History 📚& Honor those their founding fathers enslaved.🖐🏾