

⬇️ EVENTS ⬇️

This Juneteenth (2024) and beyond, We Must Begin to OWN our Stories and take control of our History. Our Truth is the story of Black History that should rightfully be told, by US!

Pictured above My Native American great-grandmothers (Top) 105-year-old Nancy Washington Legree, was the daughter of the 7th United States Vice President John C. Calhoun, who was also a slaveholder and the man whose prophetic philosophy started the American Civil War. (Bottom) Nancy Ward (Nanye’hi) the grandmother of Nancy Washington Legree, was the most celebrated woman in early American history. She was a Native “BLACK” American Indian.

After centuries of sacrifice and hard work, as a result of forced free labor for the slaveholder, overtime, Black Americans have offered some of the most unimaginable stories of survival, while enduring countless hardships and contributing to many of the most unbelievable tales of untold triumphant. Although, in recent years, we have begun to share only a small portion of our hidden history by way of social media, our shared video reels fail to celebrate and capture the significance of our complete story within a 90 second clip. This is why controlled conversation is necessary.

After all, Black History belongs to the descendants of those whose ancestor’s extraordinary acts of bravery and courage were memorable. So why are we still allowing outside sources to continue profiting off of the stories and the greatness that our direct ancestors are responsible for creating?

Sad enough, the majority of Black Americans are unaware that the history that was erased from them, isn’t the history that most of us have been led to believe that was missing. Ironically, nearly all ancestry tests are able to successfully connect us back to our origins in Africa, so obviously, that isn’t the unknown information that is being withheld. However, it is the knowledge of our Native Black American heritage that was stripped away from most Black Americans over 200 years ago, during slavery, and many today are unwilling to accept an unspoken truth, that has the power to connect them with the missing link that identifies who we really are.

Because Black people have neglected to acknowledge our Native Black American roots, we have remained uninformed that most areas of the Southeastern United States of America were once governed by a Black Nation of people. Over centuries before European colonization, our ancestors reigned throughout several states that would later become known as the states of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Much of these lands were controlled by our ancestors, who were the original Native Black American Cherokee Indians. Along with other smaller tribes of Black people who inhabited areas of the SOUTH, our ancestors were the people that were already here, whenever Europeans begun to arrive in America, during the 17th-Century.

You can assist The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) with our initiative to educate Black Youth to an Unknown Truth. One that has the Power to motivate the masses! Please Help us deliver when you Donate to our that will provide promise. while identifying purpose.

Continue Reading Feature below,,,,,

The caption underneath the statue of the photo of my grandmother Nancy Ward (Nanye’hi) provides clarity that she was not a White woman. Although there are several images that falsely depict her as being white, Nanye’hi was a Black woman whose bloodline runs deep within my copper-colored skin tone.

Black Youth need to know the truth about their ancestor’s extensive history that predates colonial Euro-American history. Our very valuable truth is untapped, and unfortunately been omitted from story of the beginnings of American history. During my quest to discover the truth about my family’s history, I shockingly learned that my grandmother, Nancy Ward (Nanye’hi) was an immediate family member of the only governing family known to have ruled the largest Native American tribe in the Eastern United States. History states that my direct family of ancestors ruled the Cherokee Nation for over 100 years, or until the early 1800s. My ancestor’s History is OUR History of Black leadership that successfully governed most of the South. If Black people would become more interested in our Unrecognized Truth, and the facts behind the stories that identifies US, then we will be able to effectively embrace every aspect of the greatness, which defines who we are. We would then be able to identify our verified examples of achievement on the lands in which our ancestors first cultivated. Our Undiscovered Truth needs to be told by a Black man, who also the first man in American history to successfully bridge his lineage connection beyond slavery and back over 1,000 years with documented proof.

(read more of revealed history by pressing link below)

A descendant of the British Royal Family was enslaved at CLEMSON, for 50 years past emancipation. World History exposed.📜 — Mocha Foundation (

Our truth requires us to re-educate ourselves and not wait on a system that currently fights to keep this truth and others from reaching the public. Only our UNKNOWNS contradicts almost everything that all Americans were systematically forced to believe.

Please Help Us to Deliver the Truth and re-educate the Black Youth, so that we are able to Motivate the minds of millions to reach Brand-New Grounds! This Juneteenth and beyond, the founder of the Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation will be accepting National Invitations for speaking engagements which will add Inspiration, Motivation, and Education of not only the Truth of who we are, but also identify the verifiable hidden achievements of our amazing Ancestors. YOUR ASSISTANCE IS NEEDED so that we are able to achieve our nationwide goal.

You have two different secured options when making a financial contribution to the mission above, and several other innovative visions of Change initiated by the Men Of Color Having Answers (M.O.C.H.A.).

You have the option to give a financial gift directly to The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation through our organization's Cash App account by using: $MochaMission20

You are also encouraged to share a Blessing with The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation by clicking on the Donations Button below.


#Donate Cash App: $MochaMission20 or make a contribution at our organization's website by pressing the donations tab below ⬇️ ⬇️

The Dark Side of American History Unchained!⛓️The True Story of Black Calhoun Explained. 🎬

The Dark Side of American History Unchained: The Story of Black Calhoun Explained is an Informative Educational Black History project presented by The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.).

Brace yourselves for the most riveting and inspiring Black History program ever produced. This first-of-its-kind culturally relevant production will feature one of the most miraculous stories ever told.

During this brief breathtaking segment that features decades-old audio recording from a descendant of a 105-year-old celebrated formerly enslaved woman, you will be blessed with a true tale that you won't soon forget.

This story-telling extraordinaire provides us with chilling details of an experience of a slave who was in the process of being hung after being forbidden to sing church music. What happens next, is so shocking that you have to hear the original audio of this incredible account as it's being told, just to feel the unbelievable power of this supernatural experience.

Shockingly, one of the greatest individual stories told was only an appetizer on the open menu of the greatest Black History production ever.

Because, up next, we drop yet another blockbuster unknown gem, when introducing the unknown story of the largest freed community of the formerly enslaved in United States History.

Prospect Bluff located near Tallahassee, Florida was the largest freed slave community in North America. Built by the British who stayed alongside over 300 escaped former slaves and various Native American tribal members. However, Prospect Bluff was blown up by the United States military in 1818.

Amazingly, there was a notorious slave owned by the 3rd President of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson, named Polydore, who had escaped to freedom by heading hundreds of miles to the south and into Florida. 

Ironically, instead of making the short trip from Virginia to freedom that was only a short distance from the Jefferson Plantation at Monticello, a very resilient Polydore heads to the British-built Negro Fort at Prospect Bluff where he would remain until a United States gunboat brutally destroyed the settlement by a single cannonball blast into the magazine of the fort. This blast killed 270 of 300 members of Native Black American tribes, along with escaped slaves.

Somehow, the already-escaped Polydore also incredibly survives the bombing by the United States government, which was responsible for the murder of almost all the settlers of the largest Black settlement in America.

Photo courtesy of Tallahassee Democrat

Nevertheless, the legend of Polydore doesn't end there.

After Thomas Jeffersons' death in 1826, find out how the sale of the enslaved at his Monticello estate led Polydore and some of his descendants to be sold and scattered about the plantation of a very influential Vice President in the South.

Over 200 years later the extraordinary story of Polydore is still unraveling. You must be there to become aware of the latest on the infamous Polydore.

However, Polydore is recaptured after the bombing and sent back to be enslaved by Thomas Jefferson. The iconic tell of America's first Most Wanted, Polydore is a fascinating true story that can only be delivered to you by the organization that made you aware of the most powerful story you've ever known.

If this spectacular showcase of untold Black History hasn't already breathed a fresh round of focus into your lungs, while reigniting your interest in history once again, then you really wouldn't dare want to miss the finale!

Once you hear from the visionary mind of the founder of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation(M.O.C.H.A.), your life will never be the same again.

The self-proclaimed, “Execution behind the Solution,” Mr. Andrew Peppers will offer you a Monumental Motivational Monograph that will faithfully resurrect every fiber of resistance in your body so that we will never allow our ancestor's great history to die. 

By Attending this show phenomenal show, you become beneficiaries of a true story that's so amazing, once you walk away, the miracles that made this spectacular show so unforgettable will shadow your memory for the rest of your lives.

Find out how discovering a very deeply concealed Presidential Secret connected Andrews's ancestors to the Father of the Confederacy and the 7th Vice President of the United States of America, John C. Calhoun.

TRUST ME, you will not want to miss this show!

In addition to speaking on the effects of history and how it has impactfully changed his life, Andrew will also tell the story of the greatest single successful military mission in American history as no one ever explained it before.

The unheralded mission that was responsible for freeing 700 of the enslaved during the Combahee River Raid by Harriet Tubman on June 2, 1863, is nothing less than ICONIC. Who knew that the conductor of the Underground Railroad could achieve such an accomplishment that would later dwarft her individual missions to free the enslaved.

Hear the real-life story of the woman America named Moses, and how Harriet Tubman triumphantly claims victory in a battle during the Civil War and is not credited.

Mrs. Tubman's accomplishments should never be overlooked or forgotten, especially not by the people she worked so relentlessly to free. Mrs Tubman’s achievements will be respectfully honored during this unprecedented event.

ENVISIONING CHANGE. Andrew Peppers, visionary, author, theorist, and founder of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.).

I am asking that you would reach deep to help me to create something that will last forever. It is important that we educate while inspiring. Please donate and grant me the opportunity to gift the love back to those who need it most through inspiration. Your giving makes this all possible and if it's possible for you to give, I’ll give you my all while changing lives.

I Need Your Help!

I'm not sure how much this valuable truth may be worth to you, but I know that the lie that Black Americans are living today is a very costly one. I'm asking for your help to deliver a message of our true history that is powerful enough to change so many lives, just as history has made a tremendous impact on my own.

Please help me to bring the most effective educational production to life starting Black History Month and beyond.

It is my innovative vision to have a portion of this ground-breaking event pre-recorded so that the video footage can be shown during a sector of the event. The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation has yet to secure a venue for our transcending Black History program, as we are still raiding funds to finance a crown of 2,500 -4,000.

The ideal date for this special show is for the first week of Black History Month in February. Please help us to prepare now, by adding your gift today, so that we can better serve our guests by adding to what promises to be an award-winning Black History performance.

Your charitable donations are the only way that our organization can pull off such an enormous feat. Please Assist!

Please #DONATEtoEducate

Thank You!


The Voter Inclusion & Education (VIE) Program registration begins Monday August 21, 2023 and runs through Monday October 7, 2024.

Learn the importance of The VIE Program and how you are able to Get Involved, by assisting our organization with distribution.⬇️

The VIE or the Voter Inclusion & Education Program distribution by The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.). The informative pamphlets handed out by our organization to the communities we serve, provides potential voters with the knowledge of who’s running in local, state, and government elections; along with the necessary awareness of the role those elected will play, in regards to the important challenges facing Black American communities.

The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation partners with several trailblazing organizations to giveaway groceries, free school supplies, register voters, and deliver a powerful message of prosperity.

The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation is so very Thankful to the citizens of Greenville, South Carolina, for allowing our Organization to serve you.

No One is Excluded or left behind with the mission of The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation on 4/12/21.

Distribution of Quick COVID Relief Kits, distributed to the community, by The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation.


The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation is Very Appreciative and Thankful for the few great citizens who assisted our organization with the delivery of our QUICK COVID RELIEF KITS to a downtown shelter.

covid relief bag.jpg

The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation greatly depends on the generosity of those who not only seek, but also support much needed change for Black Americans citizens. Please add to our organizations initiative for change, by helping The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation provide the necessary resources to the underserved communities, in the form of informative VIE program pamphlets. These very beneficial guides will be assembled/produced by The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation, and handed out in areas of low income, poverty stricken , minority communities, and areas of traditional low voter participation.

The VOTER INCLUSION & EDUCATION Program will provide citizens who may have been uninvolved with the voting process and are therefore unaware of the power of their vote; with a impactful option of empowering themselves, by way of registering and later voting.

Please go to our organizations donations page by clicking on the link below and add a gift to help with the VIE Program and other critical missions that requires your support today.

Flashback Photo Of Change: My Conversation and calls for Action, landed me on the phone with The Rev Al Sharpton in late May 2020; shortly after The Unfortunate Tragedy of George Floyd and less than One Month after The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation was Founded. Offered Innovative & Effective Solutions during the call. #GetInvolved even if your ideas aren’t immediately Explored. #OfferSoultions #TogetherWeStand

Please join me on an Amazing interview with the Super Talented and Very Conscious China Doll on “THE REAL” IS REAL on AMPS RADIO. This Sunday at 7pm EST,  6pm CST,  4pm PST. Please tune in and discover so much more about The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation an…

Please join me on an Amazing interview with the Super Talented and Very Conscious China Doll on “THE REAL” IS REAL on AMPS RADIO. This Sunday at 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 4pm PST.

Please tune in and discover so much more about The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation and how our organizations Innovative thought has created effective change in one city.

Also learn about our organizations accomplishments in the ongoing battle for Equality, Education, and the Civil Rights of Black People in America.

This is Definitely one interview that you don’t want to miss.

Sunday at 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 4pm PST.

FEBUARY 7, 2021


Interview with FOXCAROLINA on 11/18/20 regarding Clemson University’s failure to respond to the request of The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation to grant Scholarship aid to the families of the Descendants of Nancy Washington Legree. WATCH NOW! (11/18/20)

Interview with FOXCAROLINA on 10/14/20, regarding the naming of the Pedestrian Bridge in Clemson, South Carolina by The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation.

Interview with FOXCAROLINA on 10/15/20, regarding the naming of the Pedestrian Bridge in Clemson, South Carolina by The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation.

Speaking to the Importance of the Historic Bridge and why naming it in honor of Nancy Washington Legree would be a very fitting addition. 10/15/16

Speaking to the Importance of the Historic Bridge and why naming it in honor of Nancy Washington Legree would be a very fitting addition. 10/15/16

Setting up for The Pedestrian Bridge Interview with FOXCAROLINA’S Amber Worthy on 10/15/16.

Setting up for The Pedestrian Bridge Interview with FOXCAROLINA’S Amber Worthy on 10/15/16.


The MEN OF COLOR HAVING ANSWERS FOUNDATION (M.O.C.H.A.) Final Voter Registration event before the November 3, 2020 Elections.

The MEN OF COLOR HAVING ANSWERS FOUNDATION (M.O.C.H.A.) Final Voter Registration event before the November 3, 2020 Elections.

  One Last successful Voter Registration event before the national deadline for voter registration ended. 10/3/20

Registering ALL Citizens, while educating on the Power of the Vote! 10/3/20

Registering ALL Citizens, while educating on the Power of the Vote! 10/3/20

No One is Forgotten, Nor are they Overlooked when we Include ALL. 10/03/20

No One is Forgotten, Nor are they Overlooked when we Include ALL. 10/03/20

Opportunity is Everything! Voter Registration. 10/3/20

Opportunity is Everything! Voter Registration. 10/3/20

Voter Registration Drive September 5, 2020 @ Phillis Wheatley Community Center Greenville, SC (Grocery & School Supplies Giveaway)

IMG_0105 (1).jpg
Voter Registration September 5, 2020. The MEN OFCOLORHAVING ANSWERS FOUNDATION (M.O.C.H.A.).

Voter Registration September 5, 2020. The MEN OFCOLORHAVING ANSWERS FOUNDATION (M.O.C.H.A.).

IMG_0104 (1).jpg
Voter Registration Drive/Groceries & School Supplies Giveaway September 5, 2020.

Voter Registration Drive/Groceries & School Supplies Giveaway September 5, 2020.

Dreaming of the Next Mission for The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) on 9/5/20.

Dreaming of the Next Mission for The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (M.O.C.H.A.) on 9/5/20.

August 29, 2020

It’s an honor and a privilege for The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation to announce a partnership with The Phillis Wheatley Community Center.
We are partnering with, Phillis Wheatley Community Center for their Groceries & School Supplies Giveaway on September 5, 2020. The Groceries and School Supplies Giveaway will feed 150 Families who have been affected by COVID-19.
The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation is Thrilled to be a part of such an Impactful and Beneficial event for the community. The Giveaway will not only assist with feeding 150 families, but it will also provide very vital school supplies to students whose parents have suffered job loss, reduction in hours worked, or others who simply need assistance with feeding their families at this time.

It is The M.O.C.H.A. Foundations mission to provide each of the 150 Families with Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer, so that they are able to better protect themselves from becoming Infected with COVID-19. It is extremely important that these families are also equipped with required proper protection, so that they are able to be in compliance with local and state regulations and restrictions.
It is also the mission of The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation to register as many eligible voters as possible from the 150 Families being assisted on September 5, 2020. Our organization will also be encouraging Involvement and voter registration from families assisted and others so that we can properly allow our voices to be heard at the voting booth. We are so grateful for this opportunity to serve the community alongside The Phillis Wheatley Community Center and to be able to offer Complete Service & Community Care to our fellow citizens.

Phillis Wheatley Community Center 40 John McCarroll Way Greenville, SC 29607

July 6, 2020

The Men Of Color Having Answers (M.O.C.H.A.) Foundation continues to Register Voters despite state restrictions put in place to limit the size of gatherings, due to COVID-19. We have found ways to continue to be an effective Voice for Change by Encouraging And Educating on the Voting process while Stressing the Importance of each individual vote. Please Support our mission to Register & Encourage Voting for “All” people with Special Interest in the Encouragement of The Black Community. Any Added Support would be Greatly Appreciated! Donations are Welcomed & Much Needed!

Even the Birds can be Heard, therefore they have a Voice, but God Granted Us a Voice and a Choice, Don’t misuse It! #VOTE2HaveHOPE

Even the Birds can be Heard, therefore they have a Voice, but God Granted Us a Voice and a Choice, Don’t misuse It! #VOTE2HaveHOPE

Reach Out and Help someone Understand that their Vote is their Voice! (7/6/20)

Reach Out and Help someone Understand that their Vote is their Voice! (7/6/20)

Make a Difference today and Let someone Know that Their Vote Counts! (7/6/20)

Make a Difference today and Let someone Know that Their Vote Counts! (7/6/20)

Sometimes the only things missing are  a little Explanation, Encouragement & Instruction! #Vote

Sometimes the only things missing are a little Explanation, Encouragement & Instruction! #Vote




This is One Radio Interview that you Don’t Want to MISS. Learn about the Very Effective mission of, The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (.M.O.C.H.A.) by CLICKING BELOW on the PLAY BUTTON NOW.


Voters Drive June 19, 2020


Groundbreaking while breaking down barriers.

The M.O.C.H.A Foundation will be hosting a Voters Drive/Rally Location: TBA

To Vote is to be free!


