Over the past few months The Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation, has contemplated and considered many different Solutions which have involved getting people of color Interested, Active, and Excited about voting. We Understand that everyone may or may not be thrilled about their choice of representation at the Local, State, and Federal levels but we have to start caring about who’s making these decisions; despite lack of Interest. We must also educate ourselves to the voting process, so that we can have an Effective Voice. We should Understand that the decision makers are the ones who Actually make or retain some of the very Policies that have the Greatest Effect on Minorities! We must also Understand that some of these same Policies can easily be changed, if we all Get Involved.

The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation Introduces you to a New, Inclusive, and a Very Effective plan of Action that will generate very Positive results while promoting and Inspiring change among people who have been Inactive and Voiceless in the Political process thus far. The B.R.O-ED or The BRO Program simply means BE RESPONSIBLE ON-ELECTION DAY! This Responsibility starts Now, whenever you find someone who maybe less fortunate than yourself and challenge this person daily to register to vote. We have to make it our personal mission to get this person to the polls. Your BRO (Person of Interest) may already be registered but perhaps it is that this person needs a little more Inspiration that you are able to provide. Your B.R.O. may only need something as simple as Encouragement, a Ride to the polls, or just as simple as a Friendly Reminder about the Upcoming Elections. Please don’t wait until November 3, 2020 and allow someone around you that could have voted to miss out on a chance to make a huge Change in America. The potential Inspiration that you could provide should be great enough to Influence an entire family to vote, so therefore it is very important that you are very consistent with encouraging your B.R.O . This Promises to be a very exciting program and it is guaranteed to produce a multitude of new voters with plenty of Energy and Passion. There are Millions of young, middle aged, and even Elderly Americans that would like to be more involved and know that we have some organized plan of action Before November. Let’s start Now with B.R.O.-ED. Get Involved and pass the Blueprint on and let’s make a difference. One that we can look back on and know that We did our part and Changed America!!!

If any of the ideas or thoughts from The M.O.C.H.A. Foundation Inspire you to create your own form of Change, then Please add to our mission by going in and pressing the Donate Button! We Will Create Change Together!


Voter Registration & Education during Pandemic


The Seneca Set-back