World History ALERT. Shocking EVIDENCE that reveals, that the story of the Slave Trade was MANipulated.

I oftentimes sit and wonder if Black people will ever be able to fully recover from the ramifications of the setback as a result of slavery in America, and regain the greatness of our ancestors. An unrecognized history which predates every incredible achievement that is currently acknowledged by American history.

Solving the mysteries of our past is nearly impossible whenever we are unable to identify our connection to those whose stories of triumph have been whitewashed along with the records of generations of prosperity.

It's very heartbreaking once you consider that the majority of "Black/African Americans" in the United States’ only knowledge of their own history is solely based on the MISEDUCATION afforded to them by a Euro-American educational system that has never been honest with them. Therefore many have blindly accepted the unfounded falsified narrative of slavery in America that was offered through the American educational system.

A MANipulated system that teaches American students that European COLONIZATION was first responsible for the presence of the Copper colored race of people in the United States, through the massive purchases of Black people or Africans by way of the Transatlantic slave trade.

As a result of those false teachings, nearly 90% of Black people have collectively endorsed the crookedly conspired myth of their arrival in the United States of America, helplessly chained aboard slave ships. At the same time, most refuse to let go of the fictitious storyline of American slavery that purposefully misrepresents the truth of who we are.

Have you ever subconsciously thought, Why is it that other races of people seem to understand more about our true identities than we do?

The answer to the question above may be attributed to the fact that most of the books that were written in the South (CONfederacy) that revealed the true identities, origins, and heritage of Black people were published during the time that Black people were enslaved and when laws were created that forbid slaves and freedmen from learning to read.

Consequentially, many of the knowledgeable books written before the 19th century are unknown to the majority of Black Americans. Outside of an occasional research project being conducted on a few college campuses, there has been an absence of in-depth studies devoted to finding the lost answers to our nearly erased history.

The TRUTH is, most Black people never revisited the expansive amount of books that were written about our ancestors during a period of time that I call, “The Dark Age of Dixie.”

Nevertheless, there were several books written by people like James Adair and others before him that thoroughly detail the history of our ancestors. However, until now, I've never read or had I been introduced to any books, or any sort of documentation that has revealed the true story of how Europeans were able to conquer and enslave millions of Black people in America so easily.

Once you start to uncover some of the hidden facts about slavery, the story that we were given on the Transatlantic slave trade seems a little too good to be true. Even with modern-day technology, one would be hard-pressed to find a way to ship massive amounts of slaves stacked on top of each other like cargo, from Africa to the United States. I found that the greatly inflated numbers of the Transatlantic slave trade are impossible to believe considering the rate that Euro-Americans profess. It's even more unbelievable once you realistically think about how millions of people could survive, thousands at a time on a nearly 90 day voyage across the Atlantic Ocean chained down, no food, little water, and unable to get on their feet to stretch their muscles, yet somehow they remain healthy enough to be sold once the the ship reached its destination in the “AMERICANS,” thousands of miles and 3 months later.

Sure, American history has always been adamant about the fact that the Indians had slaves, and that part was factual. HOWEVER, American history never acknowledged the whole truth while withholding the information that the slaves that the Indians had were all either killed, purchased, stolen, or traded with European colonists. The trade of European goods for the rights to own Black people was the definition of the OFFICIAL SLAVE TRADE!

This explains why there were upwards of 100,000 (fair-skinned) Indians forced out West during the Trail of Tears in the 1830s-1840s, yet only a small number of less than 5,000 slaves were accounted for. The fair-skinned Indians who had already mixed their blood with the Europeans during the Trail of Tears were considered the Indians, and the original people were enslaved. If you do not believe this truth, then research how every early European explorer describes the color of the people. Also check the first Webster's Dictionary for the definition of an American Indian.

Meanwhile, nearly 2.5 million slaves were living in the South while the Trail of Tears was ongoing. I've found that those numbers do not add up with the truth and neither do the fabricated calculations of Africans who supposedly came to America enslaved during the Transatlantic slave trade.

The answers to our Generational question about our origins that had never been revealed before were found in a paper written by Michael James Foret at one of the premier research colleges in America, William & Mary University.

*All of the following inserts were taken from a research paper, On the marchlands of empire: Trade, deplomacy, and war on the southeastern frontier, 1733-1763, by Michael James Foret.

Shocking History below….

The Never Revealed Insert (below) provides official proof of the Concealed Truth regarding how Europeans acquired thousands of slaves in America. It also proves that the Enslaved in America were Not from Africa. BELOW is what was understood in the 1700s as the Slave Trade. This explains how Europeans were able to obtain the large number of slaves accounted for by American history⬇️

It is critical that we began to think outside of what we have been told. If Europeans bought millions of Africans to America to be SOLD, then why is it, that this event was called the Slave Trade? The Louisiana Purchase wasn't called the Borrowed Land Acquisition. No, things were named exactly what they were back then, and so was the Slave Trade. However, Euro-Americans deceptively MANipulated the fact that they used only a few known European slaves ships filled with Africans, and made it the story for slavery and how Black people first arrived in America.

(Below) UNTIL NOW, This Forgotten history of the beginnings and the true story of slavery in America was UNKNOWN, yet it serves as the official key that provides an accurate identity to the misclassified Black race of people in the United States. In 1698 Slave-taking in war was an established part of traditional Indian Culture. The Slave-taking during war was the culture, so over time powerful tribes captured more slaves. Those slaves were traded for European goods.⬇️

You must remember the various states in the South that CAROLINA included when reading the next insert. CAROLINA had not yet been broken up into several different states at this time.

(Below) Proof that Carolina originally included several states in the South.

Despite the many falsehoods about slavery that American history books have IRRESPONSIBLY taught the American people, there were thousands of Black Americans who were being enslaved by tribal wars that the European colonists instigated and capitalized on while using them to their advantage to build personal wealth. These same Black people who were captured in several tribal wars by other Black tribespeople are the very same people who were later misclassified as Negro. The trade of European goods for Indian slaves was responsible for strategically inciting more attacks by Indian (Black on Black) tribal violence, for the purposes of capturing more slaves to supply the demand for European COLONIZATION. Each Indian war produced more slaves for EUROPEANS. After the EUROPEANS had strengthened and empowered themselves by way of slavery, they would eventually turn on the Black tribespeople who had helped them obtain power through slavery. As a result, during the early to mid-1800s, nearly all Black people in the South were enslaved.

One major fact that many Black people fail to understand is that South Carolina was first called the Carolina Colony or the Province of Carolina and those lands INCLUDED all or parts of present-day Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. We must remember that all of these states are still home to the highest Black population in the United States. These states are also where over 90% of the slave population was located.

Until we understand that the true history of the American Indians “Black Americans” was erased and rewritten by a CONfederate minded SOUTH, then we will never be able to accept the fact that this CONspired plan is solely responsible for making us believe that our ancestors were directly descended from Africa.

In May 2020, during the Pandemic, and fresh off of a Spiritual Awakening, I named my nonprofit organization, the Men Of Color Having Answers Foundation (MOCHA), to discover solutions (ANSWERS) to end Generational Obstacles faced by Black Americans. I initially worked with a Black professor named Rhondda Robinson Thomas, and Doctor James Bostic on a Woodland Cemetery project in Clemson, South Carolina. However, my participation in the project with Clemson University was short-lived after my accomplishment of naming an unnamed Bridge in Clemson, SC, in honor of my formerly enslaved 105 year old grandmother, received more attention than the efforts of those who were considered educated and elite at CLEMSON UNIVERSITY. These people were only interested in honoring an African American history that was non-existent at Clemson.

Only after I began to question why the Native Americans were not being honored or mentioned, despite history stating that Clemson University sat on Indian lands, I was then excluded from being informed of future meetings about the project, and all communication abruptly stopped between myself, Clemson University, Dr. Bostic, and Thomas.

Below is a picture of a marker that was placed at Woodland Cemetery identifying the dead that was part of collection that was personally sent to me by Dr. James Bostic, as he proudly stated that the marker was part of an upgrade for the cemetery project.


In Clemson, South Carolina, located on the grounds of Clemson University, there were over 650 unidentified graves located in Woodland Cemetery that predate the history of Clemson University. There are potentially double that amount located within the parking lot and underneath Death Valley or CLEMSON'S memorial stadium, yet the people working the Woodland Cemetery project stated the the school refused to grant permission or access in these areas for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Despite All of the elders in the Clemson area being knowledgeable about CLEMSON'S Frank Howard’s Memorial Stadium being located on a historical cemetery, most are unaware these graves are sacred and they represent part of the cover-up of who we truly are.

Clemson University’s publications state (above) that these unidentified graves pre-date the establishment of the John C. Calhoun Plantation in 1830. There were hundreds of graves that were located in a small area of only a couple of acres of land, where the population of the time was less than a few hundred in the entire county of Pickens in South Carolina. History reveals that in these same areas, up until roughly the mid to late 1700s, that these lands were inhabited by the Indians (Black people) and that Europeans had to have a passport to entire onto them. Who are the people that you think represented over 600 (known) gravesites that were already there before the construction of Clemson University? They were Black, they were enslaved, and their identities were misclassified, and therefore Black Americans have no clue that these were our ancestors and the connections to our past.

We must not forget, that all over the South, there were serious efforts to erase the truth about our history. My grandfather, the 7th Vice President, John C. Calhoun, created the Bureau of Indian Affairs back in 1824, and this was when the ethnicity of Black people began to be misclassified for the purposes of stripping us of our true identities. While owning the Fort Hill Plantation (on the campus of Clemson University) John C. Calhoun would also play a huge role as Vice President in the Indian Removal Act (1830), which permitted a majority of fair-skinned or mixed-race Indians to relocate to the Indian territories of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Meanwhile, most of the original people of America remained misclassified and enslaved in the South.

There were Dams built, which created lakes to drown away our true history in the South. Historic structures were also built on top of some of our most sacred sites so that these properties would never be dug up, and therefore, the truth would remain buried beneath the soils of oppression. Fortunately, there were people who wrote about our true history during those times and these are the writings that we must search for to destroy the myths about the misleading story of our true identity. Thankfully, our story does not include the one that we have gullibly accepted.

It does not matter if your ancestors are from what would later become the states of Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Tennessee, and up through the Mississippi River Valley to the Illinois region, my feature Post proves that these were the Black people who were enslaved during the factual slave trade. Our Ancestors did not come to America enslaved aboard European slave ships. The truth is, that Europeans only used the examples of African inferiority to try and devalue, demoralize, discourage, and degrade Black Americans.

Until Black people Unite and come together to build our own systems and resources for the purposes of discovery, then any hidden history that is revealed which sheds more light on our TRUTH will have to be suffice. Otherwise, we are only subjecting ourselves to believing the deceptive words of what we have been told about who we are. This is why Solutions and Research are just as important as any other actions that we may take in attempting to discover our American Truth.

Allow the Truth of who you are, to finally set you FREE!

99% of Black American Indians through slavery were misclassified as African & Negro after only a few thousand of Africans had came to America enslaved by Europeans!

GOD said that this never-before-revealed TRUTH will undoubtedly Free Black Americans in itself. This unknown Truth is worthy of your attention and a generous offering. Please consider, like others in the area, I also experienced Hurricane Helene, where hundreds died this past week and hundreds are still missing in the area. I have been without power for one week now and without any emergency assistance aid. Please donate if you would like to be a blessing to myself and to others whom I am able to assist through your charitable contributions, by using my organizations Cash App: $MochaMission20

Thank you in Advance and may GOD Bless You Abundantly for your generosity.

YOUR SUPPORT IS GREATLY NEEDED, AS THERE ARE MANY WHO WISH TO KEEP THE TRUTH FROM REACHING THE MASSES. Therefore they try and suppress the stories that have the potential to Inspire.

PLEASE tap the attached link below to Donate to the sharing of the Truth, which we will use to deliver the message that helps to finally set Black Americans FREE after over 400 years of psychological captivity. YOUR DONATIONS ARE CRITICAL TO OUR MISSION.







A Super-Saving Solution that the NFL Must Consider for Super Bowl LIX, happening in New Orleans, LA.